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Landport parents please read!!!

On 16 Apr 2015 at 2:16am Sleeper wrote:
To all the parents that allow their children to "roam" the streets at 8:00am on a Saturday morning:
I appreciate that your children may have had you awake at 6:00am, as parents, I suggest you get YOURSELVES out of your bed to entertain them. I do not find it acceptable that you allow your children to run around the streets at the most unearthly hour of 8:00am on a Saturday morning. Some people value their lay in on a Saturday as this is the only day they get to have a lay in, then to be rudely awoken to screaming children outside.
If this happens again I will have to take this further as it's honestly getting beyond a joke and is not acceptable!
On 16 Apr 2015 at 6:24am Landport Parent wrote:
On 16 Apr 2015 at 7:18am White Dee wrote:
Life's so unfair !!
On 16 Apr 2015 at 7:26am Outintheestates wrote:
Grow up !!
On 16 Apr 2015 at 7:48am em wrote:
Children playing in the streets! I thought that had been banned long ago.
This is one of the reasons I like Landport - children are often out in the streets playing and enjoying themselves which you don't see much of in the rest of Lewes
On 16 Apr 2015 at 8:33am Sussex Jim wrote:
8.00 on a Saturday. Just the right time for those who work all week to engage in some serious DIY. (builders can work until 1pm on Saturdays)
Perhaps the merry sound of the hammer drill on the other side of the party wall will convince some people that the laughter and enjoyment of a few children is not so bad.
Why not "lay in" on Sundays?
On 16 Apr 2015 at 8:36am Sleeper! wrote:
I'm not saying it is a bad thing, however it's not acceptable at such an early hour of the morning. It's called RESPECT!! Which obviously none of you have!
"Why not lay in on a Sunday?" Maybe because people work and only have a Saturday off! Oh well maybe some of you don't know what work is!
On 16 Apr 2015 at 10:17am Guido wrote:
Are you serious? Complaining about children playing? Who will you complain to? Thats like me complaining when I am on a night shift about the bin men collecting the bins noisily. Get over it!
On 16 Apr 2015 at 10:17am Bore off sleeper wrote:
Just curious,what do you mean by "take it further"?
On 16 Apr 2015 at 10:25am Call taker wrote:
He will ring us up and then when we can't do anything about it as we are busy , sag us off in his next post ,
On 16 Apr 2015 at 10:40am Pedantry corner wrote:
Lie-in, not 'lay-in'. Get it right.

So would it be okay if the parents were outside with the kids as well ? Or should they lock them in front of the telly or Xbox?
I can think of worse ways to be disturbed.
I'd rather have kids playing out on the streets, as they have done for centuries, and getting rid of excess energy and enjoying fun and a bit of freedom.
On 16 Apr 2015 at 11:44am Doc wrote:
Sleeper. Yes , it is annoying when you cannot get sleep, even if it is an angelic choir keeping you awake. When you need sleep, you need sleep. Rather than turn into an aggressive neighbour from hell, making threats to children, ( we will excuse this because you didn't get sleep). How about trying one of the many other ways of dealing with this problem? My first step would be speaking to/ or a note to the parents. I would mention how much I liked living somewhere children could play safely outside, and that I would not want to stop that, but because I work late, and am still sleeping at 8.00am could they ask their children to bring it down a notch. It may not work, but it is a better start than 'shut up or I will take it further' . Take it where? The reality is that they are much more likely to be quieter if they like you as a reasonable and decent neighbour and don't want to annoy you, than if you are the local ranty grup.. We were all noisy kids once, and I doubt they are intentionally trying to annoy you.
On 16 Apr 2015 at 1:30pm Martin wrote:
Move to Cornwall
On 16 Apr 2015 at 1:42pm Woody wrote:
Get some ear-plugs.
On 16 Apr 2015 at 1:46pm Town Flyer wrote:
Sleeper, maybe the kids wanted to play out at 7 am but the parents have kept them in until 8 so that neighbours can sleep in, this would make them very considerate. 8 am really is not an unearthly hour.
Try using the squishy foam earplugs, they are brilliant and will help in your situation.
On 16 Apr 2015 at 2:10pm Mrs Beetroot wrote:
Do you have children? They like to enjoy life..
You should be up, dressed, have had breakfast and be cleaning the house by 8 am you lazy slob.
On 16 Apr 2015 at 3:46pm Mrs Gate wrote:
Even better than foam earplugs--get the silicone ones at Boots. But more cost, but a train could go right past your house and you would not hear it. Good advice, Doc! If you are cranky with them they will just annoy you more!
On 16 Apr 2015 at 10:13pm Master Gate wrote:
hello mum
On 17 Apr 2015 at 3:53am Really wrote:
Just curious as to what road in particular you are referring to? Or just in general?
On 17 Apr 2015 at 8:42am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I have some sympathy with OP. Although I'm generally up before 7, I still appreciate peace and quiet at the start of the day and think disturbing others at 8.00 on a weekend is a bit anti-social, whether it's DIY or children playing.
Of course, it's not an issue on this part of the Nevill. We're all awake long before that because someone in the area has a cockerel that crows from about 6 am, and is starting earlier every damn day.
On 17 Apr 2015 at 10:40am Sjep76 wrote:
I totally agree with sleeper, it is not respectful to let your children go out shouting and screaming too early, but everyone's perception is different. My 3 year old is up at 6am usually so 8am doesn't seem early to me but I have somebody who lives next door to me who works in a pub and doesn't get home until the early hours, so 8 am will be the middle of the night for her!! As a rule I let my children out to play at 10am and get them to do their homework before they are allowed out.
But people have to be tolerant of each other and speak to one another.
On 17 Apr 2015 at 3:42pm Doc wrote:
I think it is great that you are so considerate of your neighbour, and clearly speak with them, so know what is going on. It doesn't sound like 'sleeper ' has such a good relationship, and I am left wondering if the parents even know that someone might be sleeping. Personally I don't think 8am is especially early, because that is when many children are already up, and going to school, in the week. But like you, I would remember neighbours and adjust accordingly. . That is why a note explaining 'sleepers' situation would at least be a good start . People cannot mind read and we all go around annoying people sometimes without realising, or meaning to.
On 18 Apr 2015 at 11:53am D wrote:
If i lived in landport i would let my kids out at 8am just to p@#s people like you off. Buy some earplugs you grumpy f**k!
On 18 Apr 2015 at 12:20pm Local wrote:
The people have spoken
On 19 Apr 2015 at 8:02am Hmm wrote:
What an inconsiderate bunch of w**kers you all are! Maybe "sleeper" works nights? Etc you just don't know! As for being neighbourly and talking to your neighbours, if the neighbours weren't so distant than maybe they would! Some people like to keep themselves private. Some people are totally un approachable. (Like 70% of those in landport) you will either get spat at or a knife pointed at you!
Grow up all of you, and have some bloody respect for people who bother to work hard and are trying to get on with their own lives!
On 19 Apr 2015 at 6:34pm Keep your friends close wrote:
Keep your enemies closer
On 19 Apr 2015 at 7:37pm Me wrote:
"Some people are totally un approachable. (Like 70% of those in landport) you will either get spat at or a knife pointed at you!"
haven't ever been to landport have you?

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