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Land by Laura Ashley

On 16 Jun 2009 at 2:22pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Who owns the land by Laura Ashley where those viscous clampers operate?
On 16 Jun 2009 at 2:29pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Do you mean the small bit out the back of Boots or the big car park? The car park I thought was NCP, I think whoever rents the shop to Laura Ashley owns the couple of parking spaces at the side of the building and whoever owns the big block with Boots etc in owns the carpark out the back.
On 16 Jun 2009 at 2:34pm Frak wrote:
Are they rather sticky then these clampers?
On 16 Jun 2009 at 3:58pm Mystic Mog wrote:
The bit of parking behind The Volly, by the closed down motoring shop and in front of Laura Ashley.
Laura Ashley staff do not know who owns it and have to go via the clamping company to get the owner to get yellow parking notices made. Wynne Baxter do not own it either.
They hide round the corner on Sundays and clamp with a £125 removing fee.
On 16 Jun 2009 at 4:57pm Pedantious wrote:
Related Words for : viscous
syrupy, gluey, glutinous, gummy, mucilaginous - well, maybe.
On 16 Jun 2009 at 5:10pm Mystic Mog wrote:
I know, my spilling is poor and I have trouble with my worms. However can you help on the land ownership Frak or Pedant
On 16 Jun 2009 at 6:09pm Lord Landport wrote:
Hi I believe that its owned by Stiles or one of those developers?
There was an article (Sussex Express) again as I remember about a clamper having tyres slashed at a bootsale on the first sunday they enforced it ?
something about they put up small signs a few days prior as that whole road from Eastgate street back out onto the Causway is owned by them then they clamped everything that parked illegally. I think Norman Baker was there or turned up later to get photo in paper.
It was well taked about on here also
type into the lewes search box "BOOT SALE CLAMPING" should bring up a few previous posts
On 16 Jun 2009 at 6:20pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Thanks LL. All it says in the Sx Ex is that the owner is London based. I have spoke to the clampers (Coast2coast) and they will not tell me because of the data protection act etc!!! I doubt it is Style.
On 16 Jun 2009 at 6:24pm Rozzer wrote:
I think if someone is taking money from us we're entitled to see evidence that they are acting for the landowner. Isn't this something that the newshounds of the Sussex Express should be looking into?
On 16 Jun 2009 at 6:24pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Ah should have looked at previous post on this site. 'Rebel' said in 2008 that it was a company called 'Chevel'. Does anyone know anything about them?
On 16 Jun 2009 at 10:12pm In The Know wrote:
Land is owned by a property management company called CHEVAL who are based in London. This company own/manage about half a dozen shops in the precinct and with their acquisition came the ownership of the carpark outside Laura Ashley and the road behind Waitrose.
Rumour has it that it is Martin Elliott who owns Cheval.
The clamping company frequently change their name - so far they have been "Guardian, "Ethical" and now "Coast2Coast" - no doubt a way of avoiding adverse publicity (and litigation).
On 16 Jun 2009 at 10:30pm Sloof wrote:
On 17 Jun 2009 at 10:15am becky wrote:
i've seen their vans parked at tesco car park on sundays. they go back and forewards to the place by laura ashleys. Like bluebottles buzzing around
On 17 Jun 2009 at 10:22am Mystic Mog wrote:
That rumour is incorrect according to Cheval.
On 17 Jun 2009 at 11:32am Ed Can Do wrote:
Companies house suggests they've been around since the 60's, there's also a Cheval Properties Holdings Limited, which I imagine technically owns the company.
If you want to know who actually owns the company, I'd suggest downloading the annual return from the Companies House website, it's only £1.
On 17 Jun 2009 at 2:16pm Long time Lewes resident wrote:
I think Nicholas Hoogstratton owns the land ect.
On 17 Jun 2009 at 3:04pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Is he that nice gentleman that has built his own mausoleam ?
On 17 Jun 2009 at 3:34pm Long time Lewes resident wrote:
Yes he is.
On 17 Jun 2009 at 3:56pm Decent Cirizen wrote:
Oh dear!!Oh dear!!You jest of course.

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