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Labour Leave funded by right wing Tory donors.

On 2 Jun 2016 at 2:19am LABOUR IN. FOR BRITAIN. wrote:
Labour Leave is funded by Tory donors and Vote Leave, not ?Labour and trade unions?The Left Brexit group's donations just don't match its claims
Labour Leave is a major Left Brexit campaign group with an active social media presence. It claims on its website:
?Labour?s Vote-to-LEAVE campaign is funded and staffed by Labour, Trades Unions and Socialist Society Members.?
Why then are its two biggest funders Conservative Party donors, and its third biggest funder the official Brexit campaign group Vote Leave?
The electoral commission (which records all donations above £7,500) shows Labour Leave received £15,000 from Vote Leave in February.
Labour Leave also received £50,000 from Jeremy Hosking, a donor to the Conservative Party who has to date given the Tories £569,100.
Hosking donated £100,000 to the Conservative Party last April ahead of the general election, and gave another £50,000 in March of this year ? the same month he bunged £50,000 to Labour Leave.
Labour Leave took a further £150,000 in May from Richard Smith, believed to be the owner of 55 Tufton Street in Westminster.
The building is home to several right-wing groups including the Taxpayers? Alliance, (founded by Vote Leave chief executive Matthew Elliott), and the Global Warming Policy Foundation, chaired by Lord Lawson, who is also chairman of Vote Leave.
Smith is said to be close to David Cameron (though not on Europe) and has donated over £30,000 to the Conservative Party between 2005 and 2009.
Why these people are funding a Labour Brexit group is obvious: they hope to split the Labour vote in the EU referendum.
(Yesterday the Guardian reported a leaked memo from Britain Stronger In Europe suggests only half of Labour members know their party is for staying in the EU.)
But why is Labour Leave claiming to be funded by ?Labour, Trades Unionists and Socialist Society Members? when its three biggest funders are Conservative Party donors, a right-wing activist and the official Brexit campaign led by Boris Johnson?
On 2 Jun 2016 at 6:14am pn wrote:
The pound has slipped a further 0.3 per cent against the dollar today to $1.4433, down 2 per cent from yesterday’s high.
Sterling fell heavily yesterday after two Guardian/ICM polls suggested a 52-48 per cent split in favour of ‘leave’.
A poll conducted for The Times by YouGov showing both camps on 41 per cent has added to the gloom surrounding sterling today.
Sterling one-month implied volatility, a measure of expected stress, has rocketed to the highest level since February 2009 today.
The OECD warned today that the damaging economic impact of Brexit would extend well beyond the UK’s economy.

This is a disaster and I can hardly bear to think of what it will do to this country and the people in it
On 2 Jun 2016 at 7:31am Good wrote:
As I can hardly bear to think of what will happen if we stay in it, U.K. Plc?
On 2 Jun 2016 at 7:36am hypocrite wrote:
The campaign to keep Britain in Europe is being part-funded with hundreds of thousands of pounds foreign companies and some of America’s biggest banks, it has emerged.
Figures from the Electoral Commission show that Citigroup and Morgan Stanley donated £250,000 each to the official Britain Stronger in Europe group ahead of the June 23 referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union.
Two other US banks – Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan – donated £500,000 each to the Britain Stronger in Europe campaign before February when donations had to be declared.
Other donations came from France’s Airbus and Eurostar, which gave £7,500 each.
The official figures also disclosed that Lloyds, the part-Government owned high street bank, lent the Remain campaign £20,000 at an interest rate of just one per cent.
The Leave campaign, pointed out that the US banks were played key roles in the global financial crisis.
Lord Owen, the Eurosceptic former Labour foreign secretary, said the fact that such large multi-nationals had donated to the In campaign showed the Vote Leave group was engaged in a “David and Goliath fight”.
These figures show again that we are in a David vs Goliath fight, but it is one we are determined to win
Lord Owen
He said: “The EU works in the interests of the elite - the one per cent - so it is entirely unsurprising to find that the campaign to keep us in the Union is financed by big banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.
“These figures show again that we are in a David vs Goliath fight, but it is one we are determined to win - for the good of the British people.
“They are the ones who pay the costs of uncontrolled migration - through lower wages, and unsustainable pressure on public services such as schools and hospitals.
On 2 Jun 2016 at 8:37am Puzzled wrote:
@pn: have you never heard that less is more?
On 2 Jun 2016 at 11:51am Clifford wrote:
Paul, why do you masquerade under these different names? We all know it's you because of the tedious length of the posts. As Puzzled said, don't you know you're more likely to have your propaganda read if it's at a readable length?
On 2 Jun 2016 at 1:43pm No-nothing Newman wrote:
You do know that a weaker currency isn't actually a bad thing right Paul? Yes it makes imports more expensive but it makes exports much cheaper thereby potentially increasing aggregate demand, assuming your economy actually exports stuff in the first place.The value of sterling is almost entirely meaningless when it comes to assessing the effect of Brexit fear amongst investors. A far better measure is the performance of the FTSE100, how much people are investing in British companies. Of course you wouldn't mention that because it's up today.

Your frightfully long and badly written posts would be almost bearable if they had any element of truth to them but you're mainly just making things up.
On 2 Jun 2016 at 2:25pm Britain Weaker Out wrote:
While some countries may be helped by lower currencies in the short term, the benefits may be counterbalanced by negative effects elsewhere. Recall that exchange rates are relative: As one currency declines, another must go up. Therefore, for every winner there's a loser, and not all currencies can weaken at the same time—it is a zero-sum game.
If multiple countries try to compete by devaluing currencies for too long, there can be longer-term costs to the global economy. If competing on currency fails to bring an increased market share of global exports, countries may resort to protectionism, instituting trade barriers. This is certain to happen if Britain leaves the EU. Such moves may limit the benefits of free trade and make economic activity less efficient, which can reduce global economic growth.
On 3 Jun 2016 at 12:19am wrote:
I'm not put off Newman's posts by his turgid style, nor his poor grammar skills, nor their length, nor even the obviously cherry picked or made up factoids.
I'm put off because his previous posts have told us nothing so much as what a thoroughly hateful and nasty piece of work he is.
I hesitate to stay in the remain camp only because he's in it. I wonder though, has he realised he's got more hope of influencing an outcome by promoting the opposite view?
On 3 Jun 2016 at 11:03am Clifford wrote:
Britain Weaker Out: who do you think there was, relatively, so much stability across Western economies from about 1950 to about 1970?
On 4 Jun 2016 at 8:21pm Boris wrote:
It has to be said there has been a swing to Leave this last week. The remains scaremongering has had a negative effect, in fact, as demonstrated by David Cameron in the debate last Thursday, the whole campaign is negative, there is nothing positive to tell people about the EU.
I think that people are prepared for short term economic uncertainty in return for long turn self rule.
The position of the left baffles me, they are lining up side by side with all the businesses and capitalists that they detest . Their assumption about workers rights being under threat by a Brexit shows little faith in the unions they adore. Corbyn is clearly being kept well a way from the lime light on this one mainly because of the confused mixed messages the Labour party seem to be putting out .
On 4 Jun 2016 at 9:39pm wrote:
Yeah, but then you think "Putin is a staunch communist"
You're one of the thickest people to have ever commented on this forum.
On 5 Jun 2016 at 7:04am Stewpot wrote:
A strange post above, if you asked Putin what type of leader he would like to be I am sure he would say Communist dictator. A leopard doesn't change his spots.

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