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On 7 Nov 2009 at 8:08pm mandy wrote:
My sons beloved African Gray parrot was lost on Tuesday 3rd in the malling area of lewes. He is very special to my son.They are very close as my son has been a carer for 2 years and Mozzy has been a companion through all the hard times of supporting a disabled parent.
Please keep eyes open,in your gardens,garden sheds. tree tops and nearby bushes. My son is devastated. 07748 021040
there is a reward.
Thank you
On 7 Nov 2009 at 11:29pm harold wrote:
There is a large amount of parrot type birds that live in the trees at the pells, you might find it down there
On 9 Nov 2009 at 7:57am DFE wrote:
even i dfe hope this is found
On 9 Nov 2009 at 7:32pm zola wrote:
I echo Harold on this one. I had a friend who lived in St Johns Hill is it? The uphill terrace of houses going from near the Pells pool to the top of Toronto Terrace...
Anyway,they had a lovely view over the playground of what was Pells School and I was surprised to see amongst the many white doves flying around a couple of green parakeets.I would get in touch with the school and ask to stand in the playground and have a look,see of you can spot your beloved pet.
Hope you find him...
On 10 Nov 2009 at 4:50pm jon wrote:
Have a look in the jht always a parrot or 2 in there
On 12 Nov 2009 at 10:41pm mandy wrote:
Thanks everyone for your messages.We have followed advise but sadly Mozzy has not come home yet.we search every day,the pells especially.My son mourns him like a lost friend and our home is not the same without him.Its been a week now.We had a sighting in Plumpton but no luck despite several visits.I am desperate to know he is safe and have real fears he has been injured or died. Thanks for kindnesses
In hope
On 17 Nov 2009 at 3:13am vmw wrote:
Make sure to place an ad in your local newspaper for him too.

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