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LDC...Recycling and refuse collections

On 17 Mar 2007 at 9:06am Andy wrote:
Does anyone know of LDC's plans regarding moving to fortnightly refuse collections. Will poll tax bills fall accordingly or will recycling collections increase to weekly and include a wider range of materials for recycling.
On 19 Mar 2007 at 4:50am SHS wrote:
It'll probably go fortnightly plus a £5 charge per sack. More people will buy 4x4s so that they can take their rubbish to the dump, which will also start charging the public a £10 entrance fee and demand householders buy a yearly permit, administered by yet another govt department.....
Actually, all I know for sure is that no tax bill will ever fall and we'll be 'punished' for not re-cycling.
On 19 Mar 2007 at 5:13am expat two wrote:
Of course poll tax bills won't fall, but they probably won't rise this year either. local govt. will be able to proudly claim they haven't increased rates for n years. Its only a matter of time before you'll have to use eurobins, and everyone without direct rear garden access will have to store them on the pavement like they did in Brighton last year. BTW, how did that pan out?
On 20 Mar 2007 at 8:29pm The Super K wrote:
If SHS is correct then surely fly tipping is the only way forward?
I know of a local gippo site where they wouldn't even notice! And what with ID Fraud meaning everything personal get shreded now, whose to know?

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