Lewes Forum thread

Go on, tell 'em what you think

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Kevin Peterson

On 12 May 2015 at 8:41pm LewesPlumber wrote:
I don't play cricket but finding it difficult to understand why KP isn't playing for England. He clearly is an a**, but who cares. Do all the Chelsea players love each other? I rather doubt it. It is about management and England CLEARLY needs better management. Our cricket team is an embarrassment. Cricket lovers, sort it out.
On 12 May 2015 at 9:01pm Ian Botham wrote:
It's all about getting a good, balanced team with a happy, stable dressing room. Add a strong leader and you're half way towards a decent side.
The moment something or someone goes wrong, lets their ego take over and think they're better than everyone else, it all goes tits up.
On 13 May 2015 at 12:10pm W G Grace wrote:
Cricket is a team game, and, although a team is made up of individuals, each with their own character, a team cannot work well if anyone within it is intentionally divisive or acts in a manner not compatible with the team ethos (i.e. sends text messages that may not reflect the beliefs/values/position of the team as a whole). No individual who is a member of the team can be permitted to act outside the agreed rules/boundaries of the acceptable behaviour expected of members of that team.
Peterson may be a brilliant individual player, but his actions in the past (re text message/tweets or whatever) suggest he is not a good England team player - i.e. he is not willing to be bound by the rules of the team.
So, while his skills with the bat are not in question, and would seem to be needed by the England Cricket team, his maverick style is not compatible - ergo, he stays outside the team unless, and unti,l he commits to following the team rules.
Perhaps there is room to give him a second chance, but I suspect his ego and self-belief would soon lead him to breach the rule sof the team, and thus see him in conflict with the team management/captain/English Cricket Board etc.
On 14 May 2015 at 1:39pm Taff wrote:
Good team spirit requires 'in the trench together' attitude. KP never had that, imo, now his team mates dont have it for him. Walk on.

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