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Keep The Faith Remain

On 7 Jul 2017 at 10:34pm Newms wrote:
Corbyn is now 8% ahead in the polls( Times) and can in any case rely on the support of the SNP to form a government. In fact “Corbyn`s Labour now have a 12% lead with the upper and middle classes (AB1s), let that sink in." (Political Betting )
Brexit lies are coming apart with inflation edging upwards living standards going down and even ardent Brexiteers admitting the scale of the cost . With debts up to 90% of GDP Conservatives see a perfect storm coming of economic crisis unavoidable cuts and a Nation ready to turn to a real left winger for the first time
The Conservative Party are sick with fear at what they have done. Nothing is certain from this point.
Keep The Faith
On 8 Jul 2017 at 12:22am Clifford wrote:
My god Newms, now you're a Corbyn supporter. Don't worry, Corbyn is no more a supporter of the EU/Goldman Sachs Project than I am. I'm not surprised, though, that as a supporter of capitalism you find the EU congenial.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 7:34am Oh dear wrote:
What a sad life you must lead newms. What pessimistic, depressing thoughts you have. Sad for you. I'm looking forward to the future, while all you can see is bleakness. I feel sorry for you.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 7:43am Mark wrote:
When it happens - probably some time this year - it won't be for the first time, Newms. This was a socialist country between 1945 and 1979.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 7:59am Old councillor wrote:
How very odd! Last time I heard Corbyn he was strongly LEAVE and I have checked with some in momentum that this is party policy for Labour. Only one lot faithfully and correctly challenging the lunacy of Brexit and that's the
Lib Dems.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 8:00am Ted H wrote:
Apart from the time that Ted Heath dragged us into the Common Market.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 11:32pm Clifford wrote:
Old councillor wrote: 'Only one lot faithfully and correctly challenging the lunacy of Brexit and that's the Lib Dems.'

Yes, and it was such a popular policy in the general election that the Lib Dems are now looking for a new leader.
On 9 Jul 2017 at 10:39am Newms wrote:
Looks as if it will be a Vince Cable coronation which will give the Lib Dems the the only Party leader who understands the economy.
I might point ouit Clifford thyat whilst Corbyn ran a decent campaign most of the Labour Party campaigned ona a "depite Corbyn" agenda with strong pro EU credntials that attracted the youing and Liberal
Corbyn himslef is a road block to the return of centre left poltics the country really wants in my humble opinion

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