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John harvey tavern

On 2 Aug 2015 at 7:18pm from lewes wrote:
We had sunday lunch in there today & was not impressed with the way the chips brought out in a camping enamel cup ,plus the price to expensive !
We preferred it before they done it up wont be eating there again !!!!!!
On 2 Aug 2015 at 7:29pm John Harvey wrote:
We don't need illiterate plebs,thankyou
On 2 Aug 2015 at 8:14pm The Twister wrote:
What's the matter with you. Chipped enamel vintage shabby chic cups are massively on trend daahling. You can't expect to experience the cutting edge of Lewes cuisine without forking out for it, you uneducated oaf.
On 2 Aug 2015 at 8:44pm Forever lewes wrote:
Had lunch there with a friend a couple of weeks ago, its always been the place we met to catch up, had been going there for years. We struggled to find anything we liked on the menu and the prices were very high. We both left feeling quite sad as we won't go back. It was great as is was didn't need to change.
On 2 Aug 2015 at 9:23pm Jackmee off wrote:
Well done Harvey's you f##k up the best pub in the town you must be so pleased with your self's
On 2 Aug 2015 at 11:50pm Lina wrote:
There's a very funny Facebook group called "we want plates". Thankfully the JHT aren't doing chips in handbags yet.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 6:05am the kronic wrote:
Damn shame that. Come on JHT, have a look at other successful pubs in the area....get the food right and word will soon get round how good it is.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 8:24am Chip on your shoulder wrote:
Enamel mugs? Terrible. Chips should only be served in a dog bowl.

Check it out here »
On 3 Aug 2015 at 8:59am Lewisian wrote:
Why serve chips in Enamel cups ?
Have to agree after having lunch here a couple of weeks ago, the prices are much too high, the food has defiantly gone down and not as much choice with smaller portions too, also was no where busy as it used to be, we were like where has everyone gone, you used to have to fight to get a table !!
Such a shame, why did they change it, it didn't need changing and to be honest i think it had back fired.
We wont be using this pub anymore along with a lot of people of Lewes....such a shame
On 3 Aug 2015 at 9:29am Trooper wrote:
@Lewesian I agree with every word, WAS the best pub now they have tried to tun it into a Gastro Pub and it has failed, Harveys management seem only to driven by the motto "Greed is good".
It will be interesting to see what it is like when all the holidaymakers have gone.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 12:23pm JHT wrote:
Another successful Lewes business smeared by trolls or rivals. Or both.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 12:41pm Peaiegirliestar wrote:
i don't think you'll find honest opinion is the same as a smear. When people are upset they vote with their feet and sometimes they express their opinion. I know that people had stopped eating there but since my past experiences had always been good, I decided to visit there yesterday to spend time with friends.
I'm not averse to paint a few quid for a good meal, so I chose the Sunday roast. It was £13.50 for the beef option. The veggies were cold, there were very few trimmings, the roast potatoes were slimy and squidgy. The meat was over cooked, although a good quality. The overall quality was very poor. I have had better at the Ellie which is less than half the price. I would say I have paid that before and whilst not being entirely happy, I didn't feel ripped off which in this case, I did. The sausages and mash looked good, again quite pricy, but it looked tasty.
If you set yourself up as a gastro pub, you need the chef to back you up. Serving food in enamel dishes does not mean your food will be of a certain quality and I really do think your chef(or chefs, as I saw them out enjoying a cigarette and there seemed to be a number of them) have let you down. Furthermore, a glance at the menu showed that a sandwich is selling for £9. (If I'm not mistaken I think there was an egg mayonnaise sandwich at that price, could be wrong) This is well over priced, even for a great pub, which sells excellent food.
It seems there has been an attempt to raise the standard of the pub to appeal to tourists and out of towners, or locals with a few quid. The pub was very quiet, which was unusual as we all know that on a sunny day the JHT was the place to go. I only hope then, that your prices will sustain you through the winter months, that there are enough tourists to keep you going as I feel that people will not return to experience food of that quality - at those prices.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 12:42pm the kronic wrote:
As i said JHT, if your food is up to scratch, you'll have nothing to worry about. So far, the replies are all negative. Get your act together and you'll rake it in....just take a look at The Green Man in Ringmer.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 1:04pm John Harvey wrote:
Never mind the Green Man - who owned the Bells in Chid. many years ago and sold it - Oh Yes it was Harveys LOL
On 3 Aug 2015 at 1:38pm Trooper wrote:
Looking at the responses so far nearly all are totally negative,could it be supposed that the management of Harveys will read these comments and change anything, pigs and flying come to mind.
Perhaps Harveys would like to respond to all these negative comments ??
On 3 Aug 2015 at 2:47pm JHT wrote:
Of course it could be that the other 99% of customers are happy with the food and are not inclined to scurry off to a keyboard and bravely slag the place off anonymously.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 2:59pm Pearliegirliestar wrote:
Actually, I would have mentioned all the above had anyone actually asked if I was enjoying my meal but they didn't. They didn't approach anyone at the table and ask the same. As I have been on the management of a restaurant team before, I can add that the customer service might have included an opportunity for the customer to raise any complaints at the table. This means they don't walk away unhappy and they do come back having had their complaint addressed. This is a basic. Consequently customers left disgruntled.(I haven't even mentioned my partners chicken roast which was grim)
Tip - Well trained waiting staff can sometimes make up for a weak kitchen - as it was your kitchen and your waiting staff supported each other in giving a bad impression.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 3:45pm fed wrote:
The j h t was one of the best pubs in Lewes. But now Harveys are calling the shots its gone down hill. still like the place just I do not eat there
On 3 Aug 2015 at 5:17pm up of abuse wrote:
I'm gunna drink Greene King now.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 5:58pm Trooper wrote:
Just a quick comment ref Kronic's posting, a phone call from friends in Eastbourne tried to get lunch in Green Man Ringmer, on Sunday the place was packed out they could not get a seat.I had lunch in JHT the upstairs seating was empty and stayed that way,never before on Sunday, the Bar was was not far off the same. A tragedy.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 6:05pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
Bring back chicken in a basket.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 7:03pm DFL wrote:
The prices compare with those in the capital.
On 4 Aug 2015 at 9:49am Border Control wrote:
Thought Bills had cornered the market in secondhand stuff and bits of fencing for platters. Saves on a Kitchen Porters wages though I suppose.
On 5 Aug 2015 at 6:21pm Trooper wrote:
I had lunch today in the "Green Man" Ringmer, it was really excellent, good portions and well presented and the place was very very busy,but the staff coped well. I booked a table for Sunday Lunch and noticed that the diary was nearly full, and I had to change my arrival times to fit in. I can remember when this was the situation in the JHT but alas no more. I have to say with heavy heart farewell JHT, I would add that the meal plus drinks was some £10.00 cheaper than JHT.

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