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Jewellery shops in Lewes

On 8 Mar 2007 at 2:29pm Alex Nicholson wrote:
I'm trying to find some jewellery shops in Lewes - can anyone recommend any?
I live in Brighton and want to propose to my other half. I went to Lewes Castle years ago and reckon it'll be romantic to do it up top there. Any suggestions where exactly or anywhere else in Lewes?
Many thanks in advance
On 8 Mar 2007 at 2:57pm pink wrote:
David Smith Contemorary Jewellery is by far the best place to get rings from. His stuff is amazing and he'll design rings for you from pictures/ ideas you have. It's based opposite the court on the high street.
On 8 Mar 2007 at 7:48pm Anna wrote:
Definately recommend David Smith, well priced & original. Clarkes by Cliffe bridge is also good for the more traditional stuff but not cheap though!
On 8 Mar 2007 at 10:19pm Smiler wrote:
There also Jaonathan Swans Workshop up near the bottleneck
There's loads of independent designer jewellers slaving away in the basement who could do whatever you wanted.
I've worked in ther myself in the past, its well worth a visit.
On 9 Mar 2007 at 9:11am chav wrote:
i always recommend argos
On 9 Mar 2007 at 1:53pm Alex Nicholson wrote:
Thanks Chav, argos it is; tell me do they do the Chunky gold?
On 2 Apr 2007 at 9:58pm Ying wrote:
Why don't you try online shops? they are also very good, I have a good one here: www.windflower-ying.co.uk, all of them are from top designers in far east, and only use for filming

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