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James Findlay @ The Elly, Sat 16th April

On 16 Apr 2011 at 8:17am Julia Squeezer wrote:
Guest performer at the Lewes Saturday Folk Club on 16th. April is the excellent young musician James Findlay. He sings mostly English traditional songs with guitar & fiddle, and won the Radio 2 Young Folk Award last year.
James will do two 45-minute spots, the first beginning at 8.45 and the second at 10.15. The music starts at 8.00 and anyone who wants to do a song or tune or two is welcome. We sing and play mostly traditional music from the British Isles, but we enjoy other styles as well, such as blues and American Old-Time.
The club's website is h++p://www.lewessaturdayfolkclub.org/.
Admission is £5 and no membership is needed.

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