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On 9 Jul 2008 at 9:12pm Smiler wrote:
Is it me or are there a lot more Jackdaws around now than there used to be?
I can't remember seeing one before this year and now they are everywhere.
On 9 Jul 2008 at 9:26pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Jackdaws often "hang-out" with rooks. I agree, there are loads more this year - or maybe they are more tame and prepared to come closer to humans?
On 10 Jul 2008 at 3:34pm MC wrote:
I'm damned if I can tell the diference between jackdaws, rooks and crows but there seem to be an awful lot more big black birds around this year.
On 10 Jul 2008 at 4:28pm FA wrote:
What's the saying.....a rook in a group is a crow, a crow on it's own is a rook....or is it the other way round.
Jackdaws are a lot smaller with a slightly greyish head. I have a family of crows in the garden i look after at work. No babies from them last year but this year they have two. They always get a handful of food and are the most amaizing birds to sit and watch.
On 10 Jul 2008 at 7:29pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
The Jackdaw is quite a smart looking bird - virtually all black except that it looks as if it has dunked its head and neck in something grey, then dunked it's beak and forehead in something black.
I always wondered when my childhood membership to the YOC* would come in handy and today's the day!
*Young Ornithologists Club!

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