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Its lovely being alive in 2011

On 1 Jan 2011 at 1:03pm Well off Dave wrote:
How lovely to be waking up in the New year with no credit card bills and a nice bank account.
On 1 Jan 2011 at 2:14pm Cynic wrote:
You may have a nice bank account Dave but it's much nicer to be so wealthy you don't have to tell people about it. Class shows.
On 1 Jan 2011 at 3:42pm popeye wrote:
Every morning when I wake up and see Olive I know how wealthy I am. That must be worth seconds of spinach.
On 1 Jan 2011 at 9:14pm Newmania wrote:
Lets see
Train Fares up
Interest rates due to go up
Inflation kicking off
Wages flat lining
Child Benefit going
Nat Insurance due to go up
The Higher tax rate due to apply lower down
( So more people lose all child benefit )
VAT to go up
Fuel tax ro go up
Insurance Premium Tax to go up 20%

This will be a terrible year for many people
On 1 Jan 2011 at 10:35pm MC wrote:
You missed increasing unemployment and the inevitable rise in crime that the new poverty will bring.
The next few years are not looking great for the majority of the population.
On 2 Jan 2011 at 12:59am Lewes Lady-Lover wrote:

There are no 'nice bank accounts' anymore, your better hiding your money under the bed. And posting a thread like this up, its not as if a lady will discover it now is it?
On 2 Jan 2011 at 9:15am Lopster wrote:
rising crime rate will be exponential not only will unemployment drive it up but so will benefit reductions force peolpe into stealing to support their families
Happy New Year!!!
what different did you expect from a Tory government - almost look back on the good old days of Thatcher at least she called a spade a spade and you knew what you were going to get from her - the current lot will soon be taxing turd production (and re-classifying it as roses!)
Happy New Year my arse!
On 2 Jan 2011 at 10:28am jrsussex wrote:
Regardless of which of the political parties was in power the fact is we had 13 years of, financially, diabolical Government. The banking system throughout the world has to accept a large part of the blame for that, but do lot lose sight of the fact it was fuelled by companies and individual people applying for and being granted credit that they could not afford. There lies the biggest fault of the banks, in not saying no.
But very much a part of the problem in the UK was the incessant employment of more and more people into the public sector irrespective of whether the UK could afford it. That policy played a large part in the incredible levels of our borrowings. Coupled with the cost of immigration and an apparent headlong rush to make the UK a multi-cultural society at a much increased pace. If you earn a £1 then you should only spend a £1, if you continually spend £1.50 then you will end up with a financial problem. The day of reckoning will always come and in the UK, unfortunately, it has.
In regard to the costs of unlimited public employees a comparison may be drawn with Zimbabwe. Whilst there are many other things wrong in that country Mugabe has for well over 20 years now being paying himself and his political "friends" and "civil servants" grossly distorted salaries whilst the black working man stands by unemployed and starving. It is a very substantial part of the reason for their financial problems and our previous Government were prepared to travel that road. Do not under-estimate the financial mess they left the UK in. This is in no way a defence of the Tory party's current policies, the truth is that no matter who had been returned to Government the problem was there, it has to be dealt with and as always the working class will suffer most.
All I say is lay the blame on the right doorstep.
On 2 Jan 2011 at 11:15am Newmania wrote:
JR Sussex is of course right . I wonder sometimes with this forum why it is that there is such aleftish slant. It is entirely unrepresentative of the region or indeed the whole of the South of England where New Labour`s polling on Economic Competence is about village idiot level .
On 2 Jan 2011 at 11:32am Lopster wrote:
in terms of parties-in-power - they are all the same - and seem to have allowed the banks licence to print money - we have lost our manufacturing industry so in terms of GDP can we afford to lose our banks as well?
the first thing any "new" government does in its second year is vote itself a massive payrise (probably be about 9% next time while the rest of us pull about 2% which doesn't even cover the increasing price of bread, bacon, cheese and spuds - let alone fuel, poll-tax (by any other name still smells so sweet) and luxuries)
a strong healthy opposition is important, a co-alition SHOULD be the best option - questioning of policies is paramount, challenging the grossly unfair and poorly defined ones in particular

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