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It isn't Rocket science

On 13 Nov 2008 at 5:12pm Angry of Lewes (Retd) wrote:
Whats the matter with you lot - how difficult is it to post at the BOTTOM of a thread in time sequence - these posts are geting impossible to read these days - need to go in and out about 5 times to see all relevant comments or risk making a fool of yourself when you comment - once or twice two posts happen together and this his the esult - but nearly every front page thread has blatant half-way-up insertions at much later times and dates- it makes my blood boil...
On 13 Nov 2008 at 5:32pm Annoyed of Lewes (Active) wrote:
I'm glad you said that Angry. It gets on my nerves too. Let's see who's the first to do it on this thread.
On 13 Nov 2008 at 5:40pm LORD LANDPORT wrote:
I agree 100% I wanted to post in the middle but didnt have the gut's
On 13 Nov 2008 at 7:18pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Couldn't resist!
On 13 Nov 2008 at 7:28pm Annoyed of Lewes (Active) wrote:
Just got in from work Spinster?
On 13 Nov 2008 at 8:29pm Angry of Lewes (Retd) wrote:
On 13 Nov 2008 at 8:29pm Angry of Lewes (Retd) wrote:
On 13 Nov 2008 at 8:32pm Angry of Lewes (Retd) wrote:
In from the Inn - more like!!
On 13 Nov 2008 at 9:29pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Oi Cheeky!
On 13 Nov 2008 at 11:20pm expat wrote:
It's frustrating when you post and it appears out of sequence, maybe a problem for Webbo to look into? I've noticed a couple of my posts have done this lately, not done intentionally.
On 14 Nov 2008 at 5:18pm Thomas Paine wrote:
I do not understand. I know what Bottom means though.
On 15 Nov 2008 at 9:21am The Super K wrote:
Sorry what are you on about???
On 15 Nov 2008 at 6:31pm Angry of Lewes (Retd) wrote:
and thinking of coming out of retirement too to sort you lot out - how difficult is it - I make a simple request and you all ridicule me by doing exactly what I asked you not to - that is the trouble with society today - you all think you are so clever - well you are not I have been trained in quick wit and repartee and can put you all down with a single well aimed witicism - just because I'm past my prime, can't do my own trousers up and often leave it too late to get to the toilet doesn't mean that my point isn't valid - and that I won't get the last word - and shoot you all down in flames in so doing - you are all too smarmy and cocky sitting behond your Dixons PCs - so.. so....
On 15 Nov 2008 at 9:25pm Pearlie wrote:
An angry person fron Lewes, how unusual is that, they're normally so easy going.

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