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Is the Printworks the new Ousedale?

On 27 Jun 2009 at 4:12pm bonfirek wrote:
On 27 Jun 2009 at 9:52pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
Made me laugh. Very funny.
On 28 Jun 2009 at 11:18am Pearlie wrote:
I don't know, it could be, plenty of rough and ready characters but there again it's also a bit like a mature, HollyOaks. Ouseoaks or Ousedale? More mature people in their prime of life. The characters are pretty hot. Maybe we'll bring out a calendar this year lol. I can see it now, mature hunky guys stripped to the waist and sexy older lovelies leaning over a fence holding a couple of pints of Harveys.
Or maybe since we all spend a lot of time in the same pub, it's more of Ouse street............... dah dah dah dedahdah.......Harveys the beer store sponsors Ouse street.....
On 28 Jun 2009 at 4:25pm For Goodness Sake wrote:
The Walwers Lane side of the building looks like a Chinese laundry as the resdients are hanging out their laundry over their romeo balconies. It's just a short step away from burnt out cars, discarded DFL suites and broken washing machines.
On 28 Jun 2009 at 5:03pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Hanging their laundry out, whatever next? that is surely the beginning of a slippery slide into deepest uncouthness.
Of course, they might all be green types reluctant to use a tumble drier while the sun can dry their smalls for free.
On 29 Jun 2009 at 7:41pm Hay Nonnie Mouse wrote:
Maybe they're more common on that side lol, there has to be Dingles in Ousedale.

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