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Insurance premiums

On 17 Jan 2021 at 6:45pm Nevillman wrote:
A couple of times recently I've received insurance renewal letters and the premium has gone up by quite a bit. Each time I then found it cheaper than the original premium. Has anyone else has similar or might it be I've hit an age that they think I'm less likely to check? Comparison sites vary.
On 17 Jan 2021 at 9:12pm David Stanley wrote:
Yes we basically have to cancel everything every year now to get a good deal. Just did it with broadband car insurance and AA.
On 23 Jan 2021 at 5:45pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Every year the AA increase my membership by about a third. Every year I have to call them; tell then they are taking the mickey- and they reduce it to within 5% increase of the previous year. Sometimes it is then fixed for two years. Tedious; but necessary.
Another new scam on the scene is BT. Not only will they be raising their prices by "the rate of inflation each year", but in the small print they will also charge another 3.9% on top. This means that within 18 years you will be paying DOUBLE in real terms for your landline.

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