Lewes Forum thread

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Lewes Forum New message


On 25 Oct 2005 at 10:40pm JACK CARTER wrote:
Please note that I haven't posted on this forum since Sept 6. The Webmaster can confirm this by checking the E-Mail address I give when I post.
The Webmaster is hopefully planning to deal with imposters and those who seem obsessed with the word Chav.
On 26 Oct 2005 at 8:30am me wrote:
with any luck the pillock who was posting multiple messages under the same name will be banned.

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Lewes winged messenger 90:132
Lewes winged messenger

When the task was urgent, I did not know how to submit the essay on time. In search of a quick solution, I came across the site,... more
I like the forum and being able to respond to things I agree and don't agree with.