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If you want the Liberals out of Lewes, vote Tory.

On 12 Dec 2019 at 8:16am Sussex Jim wrote:
Today is your last chance to enable the democratic decision to free us from the EU, and allow our Government deal with other matters;
or risk yet another hung Parliament, where we go nowhere.
Please use your vote wisely.
On 12 Dec 2019 at 8:53am DfL_in_Lewes wrote:
Yep, let's vote for more of the amazing things we've had under the Tories over the last nine years.
And just to be clear, there are going to be years of negotiations to leave the EU. It isn't an overnight 'get Brexit done' event that the Prime Liar is claiming. Imagine how much fun that is going to be if we just assume the basic level of Tory infighting.
On 12 Dec 2019 at 9:29am janet street preacher wrote:
Don’t be a turkey voting Tory for Christmas
Vote Oli Henman Lib Dem - for the many not the few.
On 12 Dec 2019 at 9:30am Blatant Liar wrote:
A dfl barking orders
Well I never …
On 12 Dec 2019 at 9:47am Nevillman wrote:
Please re-read dfl_in_lewes blatant liar and explain how that post can in anyway be interpreted as barking orders. Seems just a factual statement. You may dispute the 'facts' but you have not attempted to do so here. Please tell me any time that a dfl has barked orders at you. It appears from your post to be a common occurrence.
On 12 Dec 2019 at 10:18am DfL_in_Lewes wrote:
Blatant Liar - youre a rather sensitive soul if you read my post as me ‘barking orders’. I suspect that your response is more about the large chip you have on your shoulder and that you spend your days wandering around desperately waiting for a chance to blurt it out.
On 12 Dec 2019 at 10:30am nancy wrote:
I'm voting for the least worst option.
On 12 Dec 2019 at 11:10am Sleeveless wrote:
Article 50 has been invoked and extended. When that extension ends, Britain ceases to be a member of the EU, therefore legally, Brexit has happened. Currently the extension lasts until 31 January 2020. That all seems perfectly clear to me.
On 12 Dec 2019 at 5:02pm Basil wrote:
DfL_in_Lewes wrote: 'Yep, let's vote for more of the amazing things we've had under the Tories over the last nine years.'

For five of those the Tories were supported in their dirty work by the Lib Dems. Have you forgotten?

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