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Ian Duncan Smith should resign says Corbyn

On 27 Aug 2015 at 8:03pm Time to fight back wrote:
Iain Duncan Smith should resign after the release of statistics showing thousands of people died soon after being found fit to work in disability benefit tests, the frontrunner for the Labour leadership has said.Jeremy Corbyn called for the Work and Pensions Secretary to step down, and said the Work Capability Assessments had left some disabled people in “despair”.
“He should never have been appointed. Yes, he should resign because these figures are so frightening and so disgusting,” he told a hustings event hosted by the Daily Mirror newspaper.
“I’ve had people with mental health difficulties as well as physical difficulties who are absolutely in despair because they’ve been declared fit for work and are absolutely not.”
The Department for Work and Pensions battled for months not to release the numbers, with Mr Duncan Smith at one point telling Parliament they did not exist.
But the statistics, released on the order of the Government’s transparency watchdog, show that between December 2011 and February 2014, 2,380 people died after their Work Capability Assessment told them they should start looking for work.

On 27 Aug 2015 at 10:35pm Newell Fisher wrote:
......and then he should be charged with corporate manslaughter, the PRICK
On 27 Aug 2015 at 11:38pm 8 miles from home wrote:
With 320,000 imi's coming to Blighty, We need to cull the population somehow.
On 28 Aug 2015 at 12:53am Paul Newman wrote:
The same data shows a decline in the mortality rate of all benefit claimants - the number of deaths per 100,000 people - from 822 to 723 between 2003 and 2013.
Labour have a long history of misusing statistics as do the left in general . They are after all the Party of the benfits claimant.
On 28 Aug 2015 at 6:42am Mark wrote:
Misusing statistics you say... The decrease you mention makes it all the more disgraceful.
On 28 Aug 2015 at 8:22am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Having seen numerous medical assessment reports in the course of my work, I have to say, I'm not at all surprised.
The assessment methods are deeply flawed (eg the ability to understand written material is often tested by asking the claimant to read a simple passage aloud, which only tests literacy, not comprehension), reports frequently inaccurate (eg claimants reported as attending assessments alone, when they were accompanied) and sometimes include things that weren't tested at all (a claimant reported to have had full mobility in his knee, when they didn't even check - I was there).
I also dealt with a case where someone with mental health issues was found fit for work, but he didn't know, because he was so ill he was sectioned 2 days after the assessment took place.
People are quick to believe what they read in the press, but ask anyone who has inside knowledge of the assessment process and they will tell you it's an utter shambles (unless they're an ATOS/Maximus/Capita spokesman)
On 28 Aug 2015 at 9:41am Paul Newman wrote:

I don`t doubt the for one second that there are idiotic heartless bureaucrats as there always are .The answer does not seem to me to be to create more of them, the whole system is utterly dysfunctional and needs reform
Firstly no-one believes any longer that those on benefits are unfortunate souls whose achey backs and sad feelings oblige the rest of us to pay. The reason is not the “ The Murdoch Press” it is that we see it around us . On the other hand when I faced a crisis an unemployed father of three despite years of paying prodigious amounts , they did absolutely nothing for me. Good job I didn`t succumb to sad feelings syndrome eh…
Witless and sanctimonious defence of abuse and clear corruption only undermines any vestigial support for the future of collective social care . Why can you people never never think!
On 28 Aug 2015 at 9:49am Newell Fisher wrote:
Mental illness denial. How tasteful.
On 28 Aug 2015 at 1:39pm Sad Feeling Syndrome wrote:
Nothing like chronic anxiety/depression from the age of 11 to 45 ish then? However I recognise a knob when I see one posting.
On 28 Aug 2015 at 2:11pm Mark wrote:
I wouldn't actually call him a knob. I'd just think what I think. Last night it wasn't true. Today it's true and it's heartless but it's necessary. He doesn't trade in facts - just an agenda.
On 29 Aug 2015 at 7:10pm Clifford wrote:
Poor Paul Newman, I do feel sorry for him. Day after day he has to come on here with some lame story from his cache of Tory press releases to explain away yet another lie/enormity/cock-up. It must be terrible to be a 'believer' and not to be able to weigh up your own opinions.

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