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"I voted Leave' let's just get on with it"

On 30 Aug 2018 at 12:25pm Frosty wrote:
"I voted Leave, Brexit's a disaster but we had a referendum, so Lets just get on with it" This often repeated sentiment is analogous to someone who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, who after booking his trip to Dignitas is told by the doctor that it's been a misdiagnosis and he is going to live."Too late," says the patient,"I've already paid for it, I'm off to kill myself"
On 30 Aug 2018 at 12:27pm nancy wrote:
Not long to wait now. All good news in the media today.
On 30 Aug 2018 at 12:51pm Hugh Kneecorn. wrote:
Yes it's all going wonderfully well is n't it Nancy!Have you had your free beer yet?
On 30 Aug 2018 at 1:19pm Clifford wrote:
Desperate Remainer cliches - unicorns, free beer... Any more to add?
On 30 Aug 2018 at 1:30pm Project Fear? wrote:

Japanese electronics giant Panasonic has become the latest firm to announce plans to shift its European headquarters out of the UK ahead of Brexit.
The group is moving its European HQ to Amsterdam in October to avoid potential tax issues related to the UK's withdrawal from the EU next March, according to the Nikkei Asian Review newspaper.
It is the latest multinational firm to pull jobs and operations out of the UK, amid growing concern over the Government's protracted negotiations and possible no-deal scenario.
Planemaker Airbus warned in June it could quit the UK if Britain leaves without a trade deal, while Unilever announced in March it was moving its corporate HQ to Rotterdam.
On 30 Aug 2018 at 2:08pm But... wrote:
Record number of British companies applied to float on the Stock Exchange this month, the pound soared in value yesterday and figures show that the country has never been so well off.
On 30 Aug 2018 at 2:11pm Remainer wrote:
My husband is now considering closing down his hospitality business completely and retiring to our villa in Portugal. Why oh why oh why is it worth him working so bloody hard if this insane Brexit means he won't be able to get labour at a reasonable price? I see from the Guardian, and thank god there is one paper telling the truth about this insanity, that Brexit will mean a shortage of low paid labour. No doubt our locals will take this as an opportunity to put in for completely unreasonable pay rises.
On 30 Aug 2018 at 2:15pm Project Fear? wrote:
# Remainer,you are positive proof that you Brexitters cant do satire.Get in the sea you sad mollusc.
On 30 Aug 2018 at 2:18pm Remainer wrote:
If only it were satire Project Fear. I am deadly serious. I have already lost a nanny who decided she'll go back to Romania. It's typical of misogynist Brexiters that they should find this amusing.
On 30 Aug 2018 at 2:20pm Project Fear? wrote:
#Remainer you sad little Farageist fake.
On 30 Aug 2018 at 2:24pm Inky wrote:
Brexit is having a wee in the middle of the room at a house party because nobody is talking to you, and then complaining about the smell.
On 30 Aug 2018 at 4:01pm Casual observor wrote:
@Clifford - FISH!
@But... 1% is hardly soaring and wait until the deal we are being offered is announced, I have a strong feeling remainers will be happier with it than leavers, but let's wait and see...
@Remainer, ok I'll play along with your troll, he should be paying foreign workers the same as UK nationals... Your point literally make no sense
On 30 Aug 2018 at 11:06pm Remainer wrote:
Don't you understand how the market works Casual observor. With fewer workers available from Eastern Europe at the minimum wage my husband will have to compete for local labour and will have to increase what he pays. Free movement means being able to import labour at the lowest price. I really am surprised you don't understand that.
On 31 Aug 2018 at 1:03am Project Fear? wrote:
More Farageist trolling from the brain dead Fake #Remainer.
On 31 Aug 2018 at 7:01am @Remainer wrote:
Yes I understand how it works, all of your husbands workers are free to stay in the country after Brexit. If your husbands workers have left in droves maybe he should have been paying them more in the first place.

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