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I don't park in seaford anymore! lol

On 17 Jun 2009 at 2:54pm Chav wrote:
So phil, I see the parking wardens are making it hell for you old fogies in seaford now then haha
How are you gonna hold onto that wee till you get home then?
more stench to the high street lol
On 17 Jun 2009 at 5:10pm George Doors wrote:
Chav. Has your 'mature' girlfriend moved or passed away then?
On 17 Jun 2009 at 9:32pm i dont live in lewes... wrote:
OK I live on the very edge of town but I honestly dunno what you're on about Chavvie Mate.
I know that from time to time hit squads descend on Seaford but that's been happening for ages.
Parking isn't a problem here... is it in Lewes then? ?? ???
BTW that very nice Clr Mathew Lock was re-elected.
ps. Being an older gentleman it's true I can't hold on to my wee like I use to. It's not really a problem as when I'm out and about on my zimmer in Seaford I just pee in a bottle. Every month when I visit Lewes Farmers Market I bring those bottles with me and empty them over people & places that have peed me off. Kinda ironic...

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