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Hunt's lie...

On 6 May 2016 at 11:19am Clifford wrote:
'Fewer people – not more – die in hospital at weekends than during the week, according to a major study which contradicts evidence cited by the health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, to justify the imposition of new contracts on junior doctors.'

Check it out here »
On 7 May 2016 at 7:51am bastian wrote:
Some of us have had enough of the Aunt Sallly politics of the last thirty years. It has systematically destroyed public confidence in publicly funded institutions like health and educcation, just by the simple task of introducing targets that are unobtainable, and inspectors that are ruthless. Combine that with control of the popular press and you have an aunt sally to knock down, ripe for privitisation, and the public will approve, because the services seem so bad-we have been sold many lies, one of the biggest of the lies is that private comapanies do it all better than public.
On 7 May 2016 at 9:13am Amon Wildes wrote:
Hear hear How true and this will continue until all our public services will be sold off. The NHS is the most cost effective health care system in the world. But this bunch of clowns want to privatise it .....
On 7 May 2016 at 9:28am Mark wrote:
I'm starting to think that it might be alright after all. This government doesn't seem to be capable of seeing through anything that it sets out to do.
On 8 May 2016 at 8:38am bastian wrote:
the other part to the aunt sally is modern management, which is a chain of managers who fluff up and denie any responsibility usually leaving nuses and administrators floundring and woindering who is actually in charge.. these people also suck the NHS dry of cash whilst not actually providing a support for their troops on the ground. At the end of the day they walk away with a handshake in funds. The Impossible targets governement set are handled by these managers, there are finaciial penaltiesd for not meeting them,yet there are more managers than nurses and doctors.

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