On 11 Feb 2012 at 8:49am Feminist wrote:
Is it just me or do other women hate the bald head look on men. It's looks good when it's a natural process but to shave it all off before time baffles me. My husband tried it and it was like sleeping with humpy dumpy. Happily he has grown it back. This craze extends to sportsman, politicians etc. Come on men it will happen one day and will look good but to shave it off prematurely is beyond me and personally I think it's makes you look horrible.
On 11 Feb 2012 at 8:51am DFL wrote:
Yes, it's a bit weird that guys do that, presumably to show that they're tough. I spent some time in HM Forces and had to have short hair all the time, needless to say I was like a hippie 1 year after leaving !!
On 11 Feb 2012 at 9:08am Teacher wrote:
I agree feminist, although I must admit it does not look to bad if you are dark skinned but if you are white it just looks like an egg on your shoulder.
On 11 Feb 2012 at 9:36am Harmony Hairspray wrote:
It is such a common thuggish look that only appeals to common thuggish women.
On 11 Feb 2012 at 9:43am Common thuggish woman wrote:
Hh, I don't know about that, your husband likes it too.
On 11 Feb 2012 at 10:28am Harmony Hairspray wrote:
I know now where he got the rash from.
On 11 Feb 2012 at 12:08pm Handsome Balding Man wrote:
Its hard to be a man
One day the first grey hair
Next day thereâ??s nothing there
Your bald patch shows
Your stomach grows
You walk when you once ran
Its hard to be a man
You ask where did it go?
That blistering Summer when
You looked good in anything
The patch they mock
Grew tumbling locks
That almost seemed to glow
Your ask, where did it go?
Some sculpt the last few strands
In a structure made if gel
And see by force of will
An eternal youth ,they know
Which like Michelangeloâ??s
Marble David, never end s
Some sculpt. The last few strands
Some men will wear a hat
Some rubs manure on their pate
Its all too late, too late
For the women come to jeer
Desiccated crones appear
And shriek derision at
The men who wear a hat
Yes time is cruel and yet
A crinkled smile and still bright eyes
Ripe and weathered, almost wise
May still enchant
So let them taunt
This menopausal set
Yes time is Cruel and yet
Its women that fear time
They are the flowers ,and their bloom
Packs loads of va va voom
But doesn`t last ,like wine or cheese
Men get tastier, (like these),
So try to pity them
Its women that fear time
Its women that fear age
On 11 Feb 2012 at 1:55pm jrsussex wrote:
The habit started some yrs ago when doormen (bouncers in those days) thought it made them look "hard", unfortunately many of the shaved heads closely resembled a circumcised penis. Why the habit spread out into the general male population I have never really understood. When I was younger a bald head was not something you boasted of, men often wore hats to hide their baldness or bought the most amazingly cheap "rugs". Nothing wrong at all in being bald and being proud of it but quite why males with a good head of hair feel the need to shave it all off is beyond me personally. It certainly cannot be to look different as they all look remarkably similar after the big shave. And any man who thinks it makes him look hard is mistaken, your baldness does not, nor ever has, frightened me.
On 11 Feb 2012 at 6:50pm skin wrote:
I've been shaving my head for the last 25 years. It's not supposed to make me look hard, I just prefer not to have any hair.
The Mrs also prefers it that way. You won't be surprised to know that I don't give a flying one what anyone else thinks about it.
On 11 Feb 2012 at 7:08pm Teacher wrote:
Allright skin keep your hair on.
On 11 Feb 2012 at 7:14pm Mrs Twine wrote:
My first post didn't appear (why not, Webbo?), so I'm having another try, dears.
Firstly, I do feel very sorry for men who find their hair begins to desert them, but they should remember that people like you for your personality, not your hair. However, in my view, a comb-over is a real no-no, especially in a high wind.
Another no-no, in my book, are those baggy shorts that reach below the knee, generally in khaki. Believe me, dears, they do you no favours. Hubby bought a pair, but I made them disappear when he wasn't looking.
Now back to the production line. Do any of you non-hirsute men need a yogurt and banana crocheted head cosy in this icy weather?
On 11 Feb 2012 at 7:48pm Clifford wrote:
Mrs Twine - those shorts. And the walk that goes with them, the 'I'm carrying so much between my legs I have to walk as if I've just messed myself'.
On 11 Feb 2012 at 8:09pm Teacher wrote:
A friend of mine who was losing his hair decided to have a rabbit tattooed on his head. When I asked him how that helps he said " well from a distance it looks like a hare ".
On 11 Feb 2012 at 10:52pm Mrs Twine wrote:
Clifford, possibly we don't always agree on politics, but I am delighted that we see eye to eye on the things that really matter - those shorts.
On 12 Feb 2012 at 8:47am Clifford wrote:
Mrs Tine - exactly. Politics is a mere detail. I even drink with Tories.
On 12 Feb 2012 at 8:48am Clifford wrote:
I mean, of course, Mrs Twine.
On 12 Feb 2012 at 9:24am Mrs Twine wrote:
Mine's a Wincarnis. Though on present Parliamentary showing I am not necessarily Tory.