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How to give bonfire a bad mame!!

On 4 Nov 2013 at 11:53pm C.Lergy wrote:
So, the only pub in Lewes that feels it's necessary to allow it's customers to let off bangers all evening is the Lansdown. Absolute disgrace! Thankfully the real bonfire pubs who are proud to have a society as their HQ would never allow this to happen. Shame this dump and it's inconsiderate management and clientele go out of their way to tarnish the reputation of us all!
On 4 Nov 2013 at 11:55pm Down South wrote:
Only pub? Been past the Dorset tonight?
On 5 Nov 2013 at 12:37am TDA wrote:
Nonsense post. Try the Gardeners or JHT, it's Lewes, get used to it.
On 5 Nov 2013 at 12:53am Odd post wrote:
Gosh. Anyone would think you had an axe to grind with the Lansdown. I was there till 8.00 and didn't hear a single banger. What is the real agenda here, because the post is patently ludicrous. They don't do a Badge Night. Did you go down to the Lamb, Cliffe High Street, the Dorset, the Kings Head etc.
Ummm.... The 4th is all about the bangers and the sticky red smears on the road the next morning.
Promising bonfire goodies the next day.
My god.. You'll be complaining about the 6 am reveille next.
There is nothing genuine or bonfire about your post...just someone who doesn't like the Lansdown for some weird reason.
On 5 Nov 2013 at 1:48am The Greek wrote:
Have you been to the Gardeners on Cliffe High Street?!! The 2nd best night of the year
On 5 Nov 2013 at 6:33am my towm wrote:
C.Lergy what town you in because its not Lewes
On 5 Nov 2013 at 7:05am Boris wrote:
The Elly must have been dead last night. All the bumble bees seemed to be down the Cliffe. Can't blame them, they just want to see what proper bonfire is all about.
On 5 Nov 2013 at 7:26am Viv English ( Lansdown) wrote:
At first the original post made me really upset, (the others cheered me up!) but I figure it must be a wind up right? Happy 5th everyone, stay safe x
On 5 Nov 2013 at 7:56am MS wrote:
Calling yourself c. lergy and making a post like that? Go back to wherever you came from. ( this is not an anti DFL comment) I welcome all who embrace our town and all it represents.
On 5 Nov 2013 at 9:09am Zzz.. wrote:
Perhaps he lives across the road and has a baby and dog.
On 5 Nov 2013 at 9:11am Zzz.. wrote:
Perhaps he lives across the road and has a baby and dog.
On 5 Nov 2013 at 9:14am olithedrifter wrote:
Or more realistically he listens to Chris Rea, has an electric guitar on a stand in his living room that he never uses, gets over competitive when playing board games with children, bores everyone about formula 1 and wears crocs
On 5 Nov 2013 at 9:16am Zebedee wrote:
That's very precise. Do you know him?
On 5 Nov 2013 at 9:17am Troll hunter wrote:
Dear C.lergy to who were they giving Bonfire a bad name? The Council?
The tourists? The Authorities? The new residents of this town that are still weighing up the pros and cons of their investments?
Maybe there is a proportion of our SOCIETY that they were doing a justice to? Please do not try to dilute the traditions and heritage of this town, please do not try to take away it's true spirit, it's honesty and integrity, please do not try to tailor it to your own needs and into your own image.
The Remberence and respect that bonfire has for generations upheld will carry on, as wil
it's un-authoritarian anarchistic spirit. Read the riot act if you like, we shall not be druv
love and respect and have a great night.
On 5 Nov 2013 at 10:24am Dog wrote:
Oh really sorry, I think we have all been a bit quick to jump of the mark, but we didn't realise bonfire had a bad MAME!
On 5 Nov 2013 at 11:25am Down South wrote:
We'd like a bad Mame, will she buy me a pint of Harveys?
On 5 Nov 2013 at 3:02pm Anonymous but not a twat wrote:
Wow, C.lergy I do hope no one reid's too much into this, sounds like you are making yourself an enemy of bonfire.
On 5 Nov 2013 at 3:49pm lewes born and bred wrote:
Very good anonymous
On 5 Nov 2013 at 6:03pm Lansdown place resident wrote:
On 6 Nov 2013 at 7:13pm Plodding Around wrote:
Everyone expects high jinx at Bonfire HQ pubs, so it was surprising to see CSBS members blowing up street furniture outside the Lansdown on badge night.
Why were they not using the Ellie?
On 11 Nov 2013 at 1:21pm S Reid wrote:
Having just been made aware of this post I would just like to say it has nothing to do with me! I don't make a habit of viewing this site and do not appreciate the insinuation that I wrote this. As Viv knows I would ring the pub to complain not come on a forum such as this. Just to reiterate this was not written by me!

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