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Househunting Woes

On 15 Jun 2016 at 11:03am Househunter wrote:
Hi Lewesians and surrounds,
Apologies if not the place for this. I'm looking for a min. 2 bed property for £1000 or less to rent in Lewes for my partner and our 6 year old. I wouldn't usually post here about this, but the local letting agents have bugger all available and I've exhausted Gumtree, Friday Ad etc looking for the ideal situation, a friendly private landlord. Properties are cropping few and far between the past few months!
We are not moving until November 1st which I know is ages away but I wanted to get looking early and these things take time. Does anyone have any advice, or even better, does anyone know of a property to rent to some working professional, well referenced tenants (well, my partner and I at least, Not so much the 6 year old, bit of an unreliable layabout to be honest)
Any help would be appreciated! :-)
Thank you
On 15 Jun 2016 at 11:33am In the gutter wrote:
You're probably checking already but I found Rightmove the most useful source.
Looking at Lewes and Ringmer there are 8 two-bedroom properties <£1100pm, though most are flats. The cheapest is a 2-bed flat in Ringmer (£835pm) though there is also a two-bed flat in Lewes for £895pm in Malling.
Good luck. We all know how hard it is find to find reasonably priced accommodation in the area.
On 15 Jun 2016 at 12:26pm Househunter wrote:
Thank you, yes I'm using rightmove, zoopla, prime location and nestporia, all the generic property search engines :-( But the suggestion is appreciated! I've e mailed about all the flats available, but i've been told they will be gone by November. I'm hoping that by posting on here, a landlord who is expecting to have a vacant property, or someone who knows of an upcoming vacant property will swoop in to help ha ha! Wishful thinking :-)
On 15 Jun 2016 at 12:50pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Sadly, 2 bedrooms in Lewes for under a grand a month is hugely optimistic. How far away from Lewes are you willing to look? If a twenty minute drive is acceptable then Uckfield or Newhaven might prove better options and if you don't mind going even further, Hailsham is pretty reasonable.
On 15 Jun 2016 at 1:04pm TIm wrote:
Is Newhaven too far? I am currently refurbing a two bed terrace. Brand new throughout - electrics, heating, plaster, kitchen and bathroom. You will be able to smell the paint! Absolute Max £950 a month (less for a 12 month let).
On 16 Jun 2016 at 11:33am Landlord wrote:
Having just had my fingers and in fact most of my body burnt by a lewes agent and Tennant I've sold that's why there is not so much on the market , I had exactly what you are looking for , always the minority , hey ho but good luck ,
On 16 Jun 2016 at 7:39pm Don't think so wrote:
A landlord that can't spell tenant? Or a bored semi-literate troll?
Good luck with your search OP
On 16 Jun 2016 at 8:48pm Looney Loo wrote:
Are you after a short or long term let? Does the property have to be unfurnished?
On 17 Jun 2016 at 6:51pm Landlord wrote:
@ don't think so it's a typo get over it Spell check didn't kick in as Tennant is a word , It's so easy to do a typo I'm sure you will agree anchor
On 20 Jun 2016 at 10:24am Househunter wrote:
Tim - Newhaven is a tad far as our some is in school in Lewes and we're trying to keep him near his friends, pity though!
Looney Loo - We have furniture, but we are open to all options.We are after a minimum 12 month lease if possible.
Thank you all for your responses!

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