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House prices on the slide in Lewes

On 16 Apr 2008 at 2:11pm Spirit of the Downs wrote:
For example: Two houses for sale opposite me (have been on the market for ages)...one has dropped the price by 20K and the other by 45K......
I'm looking forward to a crash then my decent salary will actually get me a decent house for the mortgage amount...
On 18 Apr 2008 at 3:31pm Stranger from afar wrote:
There was a pretty robust piece from Martin Wolf in the FT yesterday. He labelled those who seek to prop up the housing market as "mad", among other things. My favourite line from that article reads "It is high time the British realised a people cannot become rich by selling ever more expensive houses to one another." Were I to live opposite, or even above, a certain Estate Agency on the High St then I would love to have these words writ large on a poster and shoved in my front window.
On 20 Apr 2008 at 11:09am Earl of Lewes wrote:
I know so many people in their 30s with good jobs who still can't get on the property ladder.

If it hadn't been for the slump in the early 90s I'd still be paying rent to some t*sser, so as X says, bring it on!

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