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Hit and run in Malling 1st Feb in the snow

On 4 Feb 2009 at 2:39pm A new walker wrote:
Our parked Fiesta was hit quite hard in hereward Way in Malling late Sunday night 1st Feb by a white or silver vehicle. It caused substantial damage and the driver duly drove off the spineless sh*t. Anyone know of a vehicle of that colour which must have fair damage to the front? It obviously skidded in the snow.
On 4 Feb 2009 at 6:47pm Lysdexic wrote:
I've asked the car repair shops to keep a lookout for a pranged vehicle white/silver vehicle. Bodyshops normally do work on such vehicles via insurance claims, so the numpty that hit yours will be fairly easy to pick up if he has no insurance forms etc. Did they leave glass in the road from smashed lights?
On 4 Feb 2009 at 7:06pm A new walker wrote:
No bongo they didn't leave any glass which is odd but our car is well wacked so there must be some damage.
On 5 Feb 2009 at 5:03pm eric wrote:
ncp use silver motors
On 5 Feb 2009 at 5:52pm IndiaArt wrote:
NCP wouldn't be driving their vehicle on a late Sunday night.
On 6 Feb 2009 at 11:59am ex-scouser wrote:
I sympathise with the original poster. My car was driven into by a very old lady (80+) in a SILVER Suzuki car when parked in Tesco's car-park. A scrape along the side of my car nearly 3 foot long. She apologised and - due to her age - asked if we could deal with the matter privately, having accepted liability for her awful driving. I obtained a quote (£425) and when I told her she accused me of trying to bully her! I reported the accident to my insurer's and now she's denied liability - and is claiming I drove into her!
The old bat lives in Wallands Crescent - so isn't short of a bob or two. No wonder, given she's a lying, cheating, toe-rag.
On 6 Feb 2009 at 6:10pm Hedwig wrote:
What a b!tch. I would not be happy. Shouldn't be driving at her age anyway!!
On 6 Feb 2009 at 6:20pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
What is it with Tescos' car park? I've had cars hit 4 times there, at least (my cars are so tatty that I wouldn't notice a small scrape doen in my absence). It might be free, but it seems high risk!

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