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Go on, tell 'em what you think

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On 8 Jul 2015 at 12:24pm Samsara wrote:
Has anyone else noticed the high preponderance of Lewes cafes without high chairs? Mount pleasant stores, Flint owl & Tina's cafe are all without. The lovely buttercup cafe, which is also small upstairs has one that clips on to a chair & are always really welcoming & friendly to me & my one year old. I do understand that space is at a premium & would happily leave my buggy at home/folded up if there was somewhere for us to sit.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 1:06pm Prepuce Ponderosa wrote:
I pondered and concluded the cafes don't want sprogs.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 1:30pm Samsara wrote:
Guess so. Shame that.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 1:34pm Celine wrote:
Some of us like a break from the little darlings.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 8:15pm Old git wrote:
Nothing worse than screaming kids in a restaurant. Ban them.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 8:57pm Ben wrote:
Sadly, it is done on purpose. If you make a place baby friendly, then all the new mothers use the place as a meeting point/crèche, thereby taking most of the available space with pushchairs etc. this not only deters other punters, but they sit for hours chatting and not spending. It happened to a few joints when I lived in London. some savvy owners went the whole hog and encouraged their custom by providing changing areas and play pens. I think it's a case of one or the other for the cafe owners.
On 9 Jul 2015 at 9:32am Samsara wrote:
I don't think by providing one highchair in a small cafe it will then be descended on by this alleged horde of mothers (why only mothers?) who will use it as a crèche. I just want to sit in a nice place, like lots of other people, and have a snack with my son.
On 9 Jul 2015 at 11:31am Belladonna wrote:
When my kids were little we had a clip on attachable high chair that we would take with us in the rare occasions we ate out with them. Most cafes/ restaurants are fine with them. The cafes you mention are all small so it's no wonder they don't provide those sort of extras. Or your son could always sit on your lap ?
On 10 Jul 2015 at 3:13pm How on earth wrote:
Can someone call themselves P.P as in a post above. Having looked up the words it makes no sense....unless PP was taking the P out of the 1st. Post ?
On 10 Jul 2015 at 6:40pm Olive Oil wrote:
Sorry to say this, but I have on occasions seen the state some of the groups of mums leave their tables in - much, though not all of it caused by their children. Not only the tables but also the floor around them. It would take the cafe staff some time to make the area hygienic for the next customer. Could this be one reason why the cafes are unwilling to be welcoming to mums and children? There used to be a cafe/playroom in Morris Road, which was well attended. Sadly, it closed.

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Thomas Paine

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