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High Street Changes

On 15 May 2009 at 7:15pm Grapevine wrote:
Closing down = Parterre
Opening up = White Stuff (I'm told it's similar to Fatface)
Rumoured = Wilkinsons to move into old Woolworths building (that will have a negative effect upon Bunces)
Upgrading = Bridal shop moving into Partarre premises
On 15 May 2009 at 9:31pm Bank Manager wrote:
STOP PRESS**** bills is closing down he is making so much money and he will be taking over Argos and the rest of cliff.
On 16 May 2009 at 7:22pm demon 2 wrote:
o joy
On 17 May 2009 at 9:24pm Frak wrote:
Fancy that, another attack on bills! By the way, which cliff are you talking about, Cliff Thorbourn?
On 17 May 2009 at 9:53pm Hay Nonnie Mouse wrote:
Parterre: Confused twine shop, who knew what was going on there? Gardening and cats......?
White Stuff: Erm actually it's okay quite nice stuff but as you might expect, overpriced.
Wilkinsons: Good, a practical shop, cheap and cheerful, shouldn't interfere too much with Bunces, it's not serious hardware but mainly a bit of tat etc I think it started off as a chemisty type shop and then diversified into tat. We all need a bit of tat now and again, especially at the moment.
Bridal Shop. Hey ho. Recession not hitting Lewes too much is it really?
Bills....who cares. I've never shopped there because it's too pricey, but it looks colourful and it's got more class than Argos. Think of it like a nice painting, you don't have to pay for it if you don't want, but it brightens the place up a bit. We don't need to be bitter do we, it's bad for the soul.
On 17 May 2009 at 9:55pm Hay Nonnie Mouse wrote:
~ Carefully wraps up the blue touch paper, puts matches back in pocket, runs like Hell......~

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