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Help with the elderly

On 21 May 2011 at 12:41am John wrote:
I want to offer myself as a volunteer to help socilise, mix with, and offer a penpal style relationship with elderly people. I recently had an elderly relative die who had little outside contact before she passed, and I feel a sensation of guilt.
Please get in contact on [email protected] or reply to this thread.
Thank you
On 21 May 2011 at 6:37am sceptic wrote:
John, being an elderly person myself I find it very comforting to know there are people like you about. Bless you and dont feel guilty.
On 21 May 2011 at 3:23pm Old Bill wrote:
John, great idea but you are already conversing with many older folk on this Forum.
The reference to the Home service and Light programme on the police resource thread indicates someone from the past wrote this as it no longer exists in this form!
Read the threads carefully and you will soon pick up the older person who contributes. Good luck with your efforts to socialise online..................but be careful!
On 21 May 2011 at 4:14pm I dont live in lewes... wrote:
The Home and Light programs no longer exist? ?? ???
What about the Third program? ??
I'm glad I didn't buy that bloody police radio off of Chav.
What's the world coming to?
I must tell Nursie the bad news...
On 21 May 2011 at 4:16pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Absolutely John.I am sure your motives are genuine but,please,as Old Bill says,do take care.
On 21 May 2011 at 4:23pm Decent Citizen wrote:
You would probably be better off getting in touch with Age Concern or something like that JOHN . These days sadly,you have to protect yourself no matter how good your intentions.Sadly this is the world we live in. I KNOW there are genuine,good,decent people about but, sadly,to the unruthless they are an unknown quantity. Take care and continue to be a good,caring person.
On 23 May 2011 at 8:20am Chav wrote:
Yeah there are some naughty people about but I wanna help you old biddies. I'll be your best mate. The more ill you are, the better mate I'll be. I'll even help you write your will. All you have to do is sign on the dotted. Sorted. Cup of tea? Wanna listen to my new radio?
On 23 May 2011 at 11:26am Xpiring wrote:
Thanks Chav, coughhhhhhh, splutterrrrrrrrr, I could do with a friend like you.
Call me on 888 338 4868 and arrange a meet to discuss will.
On 24 May 2011 at 8:23am Chav wrote:
Hello mate. I tried ringing but it must have been your opair kept answering. Seems like a nice chick. Hope you don't mind but I have a date wiv her. She keeps on about £30 a time. Not sure what she ment.
On 24 May 2011 at 10:23am Village Policeman wrote:
I found a poor old lady unconscious in the street the other day. I say she was poor, she only had £1.28 in her purse.
On 24 May 2011 at 12:57pm Xpiring wrote:
She's a charity and thought you sounded like you needed a lift and only quoted £30 because she thought it would be a 30 second wonder with you!
Seriously though call again I need a will, or Chav or Tom or................

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