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Help Wanted: Parking space and/or parking advice

On 30 Jan 2012 at 10:58am Lark wrote:
I am moving into Lewes shortly (new to the area) and have just found out that I cannot get a parking permit for my car (Western Road) - this is going to make it tough getting into work in the morning
I be grateful for some friendly local advice on parking....does anyone have any advice on where I could park nearby or if anyone has a drive/parking space they would be wiling to rent out.
Thanks in advance.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 11:08am Southover Queen wrote:
Why can't you get a permit? You're within the controlled zone, aren't you? Is there a limit to the number they issue?
On 30 Jan 2012 at 11:24am Lark wrote:
Hi Southover Queen
I've phoned the Parking Shop this morning and have been advised that the property is not allowed a permit ...something to do with the property developers and the council..I don't really know much more other than it leaves me in a right pickle days before I move in.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 12:04pm Feline wrote:
Lark - have you bought one of the new houses on Western Road?
On 30 Jan 2012 at 12:18pm Southover Queen wrote:
Wow! So there's no provision for you to park on your own property and the county council won't let you have an on street permit because of a deal they did with the developer and no-one told you????

Did you buy from the developer? Was this never mentioned? I think that's extraordinary.

They do this in London quite often with new flats, but the public transport provision is excellent generally and the city really doesn't need even more vehicles on the streets. It's a bit different in Lewes where there's no tube, buses come once in a blue moon and are very expensive and you're a half hour walk from any of the supermarkets.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 3:05pm Feline wrote:
I wonder if your solicitor should have picked this up?
On 30 Jan 2012 at 3:56pm Anne Arkey wrote:
Quote the Printworks to ESCC as it was part of the planning agreement that residents there were to be excluded from the car parking scheme for 2 years. Needless to say, ESCC were more than happy to issues permits (money, money, money) and disregard the agreement.
Failing that, surely there must be a friendly neighbour who would allow you to use their address?
On 30 Jan 2012 at 4:06pm Southover Queen wrote:
@Anne Arkey: you have to show proof of residency including your car log book and drivers licence with the relevant address on it. Anyway, it would be fraud to use a different address.

I agree with Feline though: this should have been part of the legal discovery and you should certainly have had this condition pointed out to you.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 5:38pm Lark wrote:
Hi Anne Arkey
Thanks for the information about the Printworks. From what you are saying that sounds like they have set a precedent. Does anyone know how I can speak to ESCC I can't find any relevant telephone numbers on their site?
I know not everyone will agree but it feels like the council are taking the position to treat some residents less equally than others.

On 30 Jan 2012 at 5:50pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Something like that should certainly have been picked up at the enquiries stage of litigation.
Mind you, I can imagine the developers keeping quiet it. It would certainly reduce interest if potential buyers knew how difficult it was going to be to park legally.
The nearest unrestricted parking would probably be up on the Nevill, about a 5-10 minute walk away.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 5:51pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
God, I wish there was an edit button on here - I meant conveyancing, not litigation.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 5:51pm Southover Queen wrote:
Have you actually been into the Parking Shop and tried to buy one? I think that's what I'd do: just turn up with the usual documents and don't say a word. Unless they've been very efficient and put some kind of tag on your address, I wouldn't be surprised if you were successful.

I would also not try to do it by phone. You'll simply get the run around and end up being told that it can't possibly be done (and then they probably would make sure the Parking Shop knew!). If you get shown the door at the Parking Shop then maybe you need to get your local county councillor on your side to argue your case using the Printworks as a precedent. I do agree it sounds very unfair.

On 30 Jan 2012 at 6:23pm oilbarron wrote:
Lewes - not a good choice for parking. Should have moved to Uckfield.
Cheaper Housing, tonnes of parking, Brilliant sports facilities, Cinema,
less snotty sport clubs, mainline station to London, better restaurants and
chatty good neighbours. Best thing of all , you don't have to listen to
the carp on this forum. Bit late now , sorry ! Lewes is the most unfriendliest
parking town in Sussex.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 6:58pm simon wrote:
Yes, but at the end of the day it's still Uckfield.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 7:16pm Simon wrote:
On a more practical note, there's always lots of parking on Southover High Street during the weekend. Apparantly.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 8:11pm Train spotter wrote:
Uckfield, mainline station?!! Suppose that goes with all the brilliant pubs as well?
Only through such rose tinted spectacles could Yuckfield look attractive.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 10:06pm oilbarron wrote:
Not as Yucky as the parking in Lewes.
On 30 Jan 2012 at 11:58pm jrsussex wrote:
You really should have a word with your solicitor, such a restrictive matter should have been picked up in the search which they have to carry out when acting on your instruction to purchase the property.
On 31 Jan 2012 at 1:19am harold wrote:
Something to note is that the area has free parking at weekends and from six pm to 8 am, the next day , so if you take your car to work five days a week you may only have parking charges of 50 pence or so a day plus bank holidays, this would be cheaper than a permit . BTW park in the valance road area behind your house, keep away from demontfort road
its expensive
On 31 Jan 2012 at 8:24am in the know wrote:
Lark is playing naive I think; if he / she has bought one of the houses replacing the Meridian it was agreed between the planners and the developers from the beginning that there would be no on street parking. I believe that the council will be subsidizing a car club, and one new car space will be provided I believe. The developer was to pay for the car initially although cost will fall on the wider community in the future. Lark would have known this when going through the buying process, especially since the houses were marketed with 'green' credentials.
This is a direct result of over development of an unsuitable site; there is no way the development would have been allowed by highways or the planners had on street parking been part of the deal. Parking in the Western Road area is at crisis point.
All this has the whiff of greed - the kind that allows an overdeveloped site to be built in the first place The houses seem to be like chicken coops. And many believe they have helped to destroy the urban landscape at the top end of town.
I believe that local residents had to fight to even get the width of the re located right of way increased enough to get baby/ disabled traffic through comfortably.

On 31 Jan 2012 at 9:58am Lark wrote:
Harold thank for your advice and information on the area, that is very helpful and appreciated.
On 31 Jan 2012 at 12:48pm Independent Thinker wrote:
Have to agree with In The Know. Hard to imagine any buyer of the Meridian development houses not asking about parking as there are clearly no spaces there. Probably just hoped they could change the council's mind about the situation after buying, and have just discovered that hasn't worked (so far). On the plus side, it's less than 15 minutes walk to Waitrose, less than a minute to a greengrocer and a butchers that also sell milk, juice, bread and cheese, there's bus stops right outside the door going to Tunbridge Wells and Brighton with a regular work day service, and the train station is a 10-15 minute walk away. With the new car club space going in Western Rd, and given buyers there must have known it was possible they wouldn't manage to get a permit, things could be worse.

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