On 14 Dec 2015 at 10:01pm Starfish youth music wrote:
HeathClifford wrote
‘I do hope that they find somewhere for Starfish, but as a children's music charity that shut in the school holidays I do think a bit of a profit motive might have meant a better service?’
Thanks for your support however you have a couple of facts wrong - we are open during school holidays; we are not a charity but we are a Community Interest Company.
Our 'service' is brilliant considering our resources but we are always trying to improve.
To Tony Pollybe wrote
‘There are plenty of places Starfish can go and Zu could use the name to host parties and classes in other venues as well’.
Starfish would be genuinely interested as to where you think the project could be suitably relocated in Lewes. Any help would be gratefully received.
On 14 Dec 2015 at 10:27pm Claire wrote:
My son attended Starfish and it was genuinely excellent. Good luck and ignore the trolls.
On 14 Dec 2015 at 10:33pm Harold wrote:
Not sure if these might be of use as I do not Know how things work down there but there are a few halls you could use now and then like st marys,landport boys club , malling center or maybe malling church.
On 14 Dec 2015 at 10:52pm Tipex wrote:
Thanks Harold - genuinely useful help.
On 15 Dec 2015 at 2:30am Fairmeadow wrote:
Starfish, what facilities do you need, and when will you need them? Do you need your own exclusive premises and, if so, what can you afford to pay? Or can you share with others in a communal space?
On 15 Dec 2015 at 8:22am Theo wrote:
Or do you want it all for nowt
On 15 Dec 2015 at 10:58am Rookie wrote:
Support the plans for the redevelopment of the Dripping Pan. Plenty of community space planned there.
On 15 Dec 2015 at 6:45pm Convenient wrote:
Can I ask , what is a Community Interest Company ? Is it a business with paid staff ? . I've always imagined from the posts on here that it was some sort of charity / voluntary arrangement ?
On 15 Dec 2015 at 6:59pm Tipex wrote:
Stop fishing for another petty argument Convenient.
On 15 Dec 2015 at 7:57pm CURIOUS wrote:
I think Phoenix Rising had a paid director.
On 15 Dec 2015 at 8:26pm Tony Pollybee wrote:
I think Starfish is great and I very much hope that it continues. What you have to realise is that for all the time you have been down the Phoenix you have had it very good. It was never going to be long term and when it came to the crunch things were all ways going to be harder for you.
For a small town like Lewes there are many places you can hire, as well as the ones all ready mentioned you have the Little Theatre, All Saints and every school in the town will have space you can rent. Yes it may be more expensive than what you have been paying and yes you may have to put kit out and put it away again but if you are passionate about what you do you'll just get on with it.
On 15 Dec 2015 at 8:29pm Starfish parent wrote:
Starfish have space that's set up on a permanent basis with small rooms for the individual groups (bands) to play in. Proper sound proofing, recording space etc. It doesn't need to be anything fancy - the current building is a big tin shed - but they need to be able to fit it out.
With the amount of effort that the organisers put in, I'd be very happy to know that they're paid. They provide an amazing facility for children in the area. Don't underestimate the impact that this type of project has on the kids involved.
On 16 Dec 2015 at 1:10am Inconvenient wrote:
Starfish is an excellent project and has enhanced the lives of a huge number of young people in Lewes and is one of the things that sets Lewes apart
It doesn't need a big hall it needs sound proofed recording studios like it has now.
LDC need to recognise what an asset Starfish has been to this community and make some effort to support and develope it. Surely someone who works there has enough inagination to realise it's a great asset.
On 16 Dec 2015 at 6:04am Beth wrote:
What about the Tin Tabernacle at Barcombe? It used have music space I think. Though it is out of town of course. But there must be loads of other options in Lewes itself. I do tend to agree with tony pollybee
On 16 Dec 2015 at 9:29am Inconvenient wrote:
Starfish needs several soundproofed recording studios in one place not one big hall
On 16 Dec 2015 at 11:08am huw wrote:
Not much use in the long term, but if you need rehearsal space and our function room (Elephant and Castle) isn't in use you're welcome to use it.
Apparently it has great acoustics
On 16 Dec 2015 at 2:51pm Starfish youth music wrote:
Due to some very promising news Starfish will not be commenting further on this thread. Thanks for the positive comments and suggestions (esp Huw).
It is early days and a long way to go but a huge thank you goes to out to all those that have petitioned, marched, spoke up for and supported our project. We feel very valued. #LoveLewes
On 16 Dec 2015 at 9:23pm Lewes Chap wrote:
What? You mean all the LPR scaremongering about the abrupt end of anything remotely associated with North St might have been, well, just that? Surely not. They couldn't possibly have been just looking to delay development so that they could maintain their cushy status quo, could they? You decide.
On 17 Dec 2015 at 4:42pm Belladonna wrote:
No, Lewes Chap, I think the Phoenix Rising have run a very effective campaign which the district council have had to listen to and fingers crossed they will be able to save some of the businesses and community run enterprises on the North St estate. Many people did not have a clue what had grown up down there in the last few years so the LPR campaign has educated many about the creative industries that do bring money into the town - and into local, not corporate pockets - look for example at the amount of framers are in Lewes - at least five independents that I can think of.
I'm very hopeful that the best of the projects from North st are found new homes, and that we also gain excellent new homes and riverside facilities from the Santon scheme (although I fear a clone town and chain stores taking over - A kind of Chirchill centre by the river... :-(.... )