On 22 Feb 2010 at 9:44am Old cynic wrote:
Yawn what's great about the heart of reeds is that it is forgotten so it is stuffed full of wildlife and birds. I'm no ornithologist but walking the dog a week or two ago a I counted over 40 diffrent species on the Railway Land - it was lovely! If you want a white elephant then the new building they are putting up the Linklater Pavillion should fit the bill nicely in a few months. It is a building 'to think in' - my ar@e!
On 22 Feb 2010 at 10:39am Sherlock wrote:
Another interesting thing about the 'heart of weeds' is that LDC never actually asked for tenders for the work - which is most irregular. In fact it may even be illegal.
On 22 Feb 2010 at 11:52am yawn wrote:
Hey, old cynic. Good news about the heart of weeds. Sounds much better. Have the crappy recled plastic handrails fallen over yet? It seems that the people 'looking after' this nature reserve that was saved from development, are obsessed with... developing it, albeit with prettier alternatives to the supermarket that LDC wanted to put on it.There is already a barely used building to think in on that site, the bird watching hide.
No tenders!? Who did the work they didn't have to bid for?
On 22 Feb 2010 at 1:43pm Ed Can Do wrote:
I thought the pavilion thing was being erected by a charity and was nothing to do with LDC?
On 22 Feb 2010 at 1:57pm Sylvia wrote:
The railway land is managed and run by the Railway Land Trust. It's the Trust who are building and will run the Linklater Pavilion.
The land was passed to LDC by the body then responsible for managing land for the national rail network before privatisation. Before 1990 there was a scheme to build on it, under a tory conrolled LDC
On 22 Feb 2010 at 1:59pm Mystic Mog wrote:
I believe that LDC own the land but is managed by the Railway Land trust and therefore it would have been the trust who decided who did the works.
On 22 Feb 2010 at 2:01pm Down and Out wrote:
I love the railway lands, dogsh1t notwitstanding, but that bloody pavilion is a truely execrable piece of design. Designers and commissioners, hang your heads in shame.
On 22 Feb 2010 at 6:10pm jonnyboy wrote:
As a keen birder (not a twitcher) I too love the railway land. Congratulations Old Cynic on spotting so many different species. Be very interested to see a list of what you saw as I've never seen that many species there.
On 22 Feb 2010 at 6:26pm Old cynic wrote:
Im a responsible poo picking dog walker the dog sh!t drives me MAD!!! Some folk are just lazy.
The Pavillion looks pretty poor with lots of breeze block!
Jonnyboy, my list included from what I remember: blackbird, song thrush, sparrow, dunnet, robin, wren, blue tit, great tit, long tail tit, chaffinch, greenfinch, bullfinch, mallard, swan, grebe, cormorant, egrets, kingfisher, raven, rook, jackdaw, magpie, kestel, perigrine falcon,