On 30 Apr 2023 at 10:18pm Nevillman wrote:
It seems we must have a head of state who is a living representation of the country. Apart from anything else the UN would not accept us without it and many countries would not trade with us. I've never been a monarchist but I have to admire that we are doing it without any conflict unlike many times in history and in many places around the world. I would also prefer a monarch to someone we have to vote for. The prospect of President farage or Johnson is enough for me. We can say what we like about the monarch and noone really objects unlike someone they'd voted for.
The main problem is that it perpetuates the class structure and the belief that some are born to privilege and must be respected for that fact alone. How can I respect the role of the head of state without bowing to the king?
On 1 May 2023 at 10:46pm Tom Pain wrote:
We have a constitutional monarchy in which the king is first among equals. He rules by consent under the constitution which has been abused for so long that it has almost disappeared. I believe that parliament is now claiming to be sovereign, which it is not. The only way forward is for the people to become familiar with the constitution and make sure it is enforced by themselves.
On 2 May 2023 at 8:48am Green Sleeves wrote:
You sound more and more like a MAGA nut by the day "enforce the CONSTI-TUTIONNNN!!".
On 2 May 2023 at 1:04pm Nevillman wrote:
Who says that the monarch is first among equals Tom? Isn't the whole point that he is above us as his subjects. He doesn't rule at all, he reigns.
As for the constitution being abused, there is no written UK constitution. It is composed of the laws that create and regulate the institutions of the state and it's relationship to individuals. In what specific way do you think these laws are being abused Tom? As parliament makes the laws you can argue that it has sovereign powers but it is not the sovereign.
I've looked up what maga is green and you are absolutely right. Tom is clearly being heavily influenced by American maga nuts and has no idea about the UK constitution at all.
On 2 May 2023 at 8:08pm Tom Pain wrote:
Actually, I prefer hazel nuts but don't panic and on carry on debating. The constitution is a lot more than you think, hang on I'll rephrase that, more than you've been told. The government doesn't pass laws, it passes statutes. I looked that up and you're absolutely wrong. So let's debate these matters further after finding out some facts. I do know a little about the constitution, not as much as I should, so perhaps you're as mistaken about that as you are about law.
On 3 May 2023 at 8:50am Nevillman wrote:
To quote from the UK parliament website "an act of parliament (also called a statute) is a law made by the UK parliament". I'm always happy to be corrected when I am incorrect but prefer it if the person doing the correcting knows what they are talking about. In this case I'm not bothered about using the specific terms eg act of parliament, law and statute in their exact sense as it is not relevant anyway as it happens.
Doing some research prior to posting is something I would recommend Tom. That means looking a bit beyond some nut with a website and realising they might not even be talking about this country. I look forward to debating this further with you after you have found out some facts. I'm still curious about your points made on 1 may, particularly about us making sure we know about the constitution and "enforcing it ourselves". Are you considering an invasion of parliament Tom? Also, how has our "constitution been abused for so long it has almost disappeared"? It's so obviously coming from some trump supporting American neo con that is laughable.
The main question your posts raise in me is "why am I wasting my time like this?"
On 3 May 2023 at 9:55am Tom Pain wrote:
Exactly. If neither you nor your informants know the difference between laws and statutes we're sunk. Only you and sleeve are talking about America, I've never mentioned it, it's got nothing to do with the corona nation.
On 3 May 2023 at 10:11am Nevillman wrote:
Why does it matter to know the difference between a statute and a law? You obviously know nothing about the UK constitution but have read about the US constitution from some far right website and think it must be us too.
I remember you saying recently how you regret ever having voted yet you think we should defend the Constitution even though you know nothing about it and won't even participate in it to the extent of voting.
On 3 May 2023 at 9:44pm Tom Pain wrote:
Have I trodden on your tropes or something? I promise to do all I can to alleviate your difficulties when you're too infirm to drive even if there are no self driving cars due to my selfish whims. No I'm not talking about the American constitution but thank you for asking, oh no you didn't but just threw that in out of the kindness of your heart, very sweet of you but a tad confusing. Allow me correct you, I do know a little about the ENGLISH Constitution, not that of Mozambique or even Mongolia in case you think I'm referring to them. It includes the original Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights among other things. It's to do with protecting the rights and liberties of Englishmen not forgetting women of course and common law. It's got nothing to do with left or right or people in fancy dress engaged in a guided tour insurrection of the Capitol USA .
On 4 May 2023 at 10:50pm Tom Pain wrote:
It's widely accepted that we live in a constitutional monarchy. How is that possible without a constitution? Ergo- we must have one. There is a lot of interest in the subject on line and many intelligent people talking about it. We are about to have a new constitutional monarch and it might be useful to know if he will abide by the constitution. If not then we will be in an absolute monarchy which is tyranny.