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Hard water

On 8 Jan 2013 at 5:04pm Ben wrote:
Got a water softener in the cellar, it was there before we moved in. Is the water actually hard enough to justify a softener in Lewes? It's not connected at the moment and I don't see any scaling anywhere in the house. Anybody else got one? I know they do work, but i don't fancy wasting 8 quid on a bag of salt if the water ain't hard.
I live near baxters field in case the water varies by area.
On 8 Jan 2013 at 6:16pm landporter wrote:
It's damn hard in Lewes, I saw some water walking down the road the other day with a skinhead haircut and a flick knife....now that's well hard !!!!!
On 8 Jan 2013 at 6:22pm Southover Queen wrote:
Yes it's hard verging on very hard - Southern Water have a webpage (which I've linked to) which allows you to put in your postcode.

Check it out here »
On 8 Jan 2013 at 10:39pm bloke 2 wrote:
you saw water walking down the road in Lewes, you must mean Alfriston?
On 9 Jan 2013 at 1:59am paul wrote:
yes waters hard in lewes because it soaks through chalk not like in scotland it soaks through peat and it comes out brown sometimes
On 9 Jan 2013 at 8:31am Pete wrote:
Thank you SQ, that's really handy.
On 15 Jan 2013 at 11:16am Waterexpert wrote:
Officially, the water if you live in the Southern Water area (west of the Ouse) is classed as moderately hard. You need the calcium for health, so leave the potable taps alone. I spent over 25 years in water supply and drainage and most of the hard water damage takes place in the underground waste pipes. dishwashers are notoriuosly bad for causing waste pipe scaling. Water softeners are nice and the proper ones with salt do work, but waste a lot of water. Do yourself a favour and use the stuff that falls out of the sky. A bucketfull of rainwater down the loo now and again (or all the time) will keep the bits you can't see free of scale Steer clear of the elelctronic/wireless/magnetic scale removers - they don't remove any calcium from the water and even if they did work, the calcium just ends up somewhere else.

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