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Happy Brexit Day

On 31 Jan 2020 at 11:39am RussianRuble wrote:
Mr Blair says the attitude of Remainers should now be "to strive to make the best of it [and] to approach it with determined optimism, not looking over our shoulders in unrequited longing for what was".
He adds: "No one in the country is going to thank us or think more of us if we behave churlishly in defeat and frankly the challenge of making Brexit work is sufficiently important for our nation, that we cannot afford to be absent from it.
"Britain is a great country. At our best, we are a great people. Our history shows us what our future can be. Time to embrace it."
Happy Brexit Day everyone. I hope you all enjoy the celebrations.
Here's to a positive future built on optimism, perseverance, success, hope and goodwill.
Best wishes all.
On 31 Jan 2020 at 2:45pm Nevillman wrote:
Really can't see anything to celebrate. None of the supposed benefits of leaving look in any way tangible to me and I can only forsee a worsening economy and political turmoil. I accept that Blair is right and no point going on about it now. Nothing to stop a future government being elected with a mandate to negotiate our re-entry to the EU though after our experiment at independence however. Not just yet though. Just don't expect me to celebrate now.
On 31 Jan 2020 at 3:43pm Ferret wrote:
No longer a Remainer. It's a Rejoiner from here on.
On 31 Jan 2020 at 7:59pm Sussex Jim wrote:
We are leaving today, by democratic vote nationally.
There will be no rejoining. Anyone who purports to be a "remainer" will henceforth be classified as a "remoaner"
There should be no animosity. All British citizens should accept the result, and allow our truly independent nation to forge ahead.
On 31 Jan 2020 at 9:41pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Yep, this whole thing just stinks. I'm a rejoiner as well. Just look at the Brexit architects, you wouldn't trust them to run a bath. This has been a stitch up from the outset and it appears the more rational and intelligent humans on this forum and beyond have the same kind of sad sense about this whole fiasco.

An hour to go. Just one advantage, genuinely, will we see from leaving? It can't be about spite and goading others and has to be a broad national benefit. Just one please.
On 31 Jan 2020 at 10:03pm Basil wrote:
Green Sleeves wrote: 'Just look at the Brexit architects, you wouldn't trust them to run a bath.'

And look at the people who told us to vote Remain in 2016: The City, the banks that brought us to brink of collapse through their greed in 2008, the austerity triplets Cameron-Osborne-Clegg, the war criminals Blair and Brown, together with their sidekicks Mandelson and Campbell... And look how the 'internationalist' EU develops, with its imperial ambitions, its flag and anthem and aspirations to an army. Look at the interesting relationship between lobbyists from, for example, Goldman Sachs and the EU's leading figures. Oh yes, who wouldn't be a Rejoiner?
On 31 Jan 2020 at 10:04pm Ferret wrote:
@Sussex Jim Why should those of us who wanted to remain full members of the EU give up the fight? If you Brexiters had lost the vote, would you have given up lying about the EU, and whingeing about sovereignty, immigration, bureaucracy, immigration, fisheries, immigration etc? Oh sorry, did I mention immigration more than once? Of course it wasn't all about immigration, was it?
On 1 Feb 2020 at 8:02am Mark wrote:
The well-kept secret in all of this is that it's happening against the will of the people. Google "Brexit opinion polls". Public opinion has shifted since 2016. The Express, the Sun, the Times, the BBC never mention this. There's an agenda here. It's going to be the Trump trade deal... and a bonfire of our social legislation. I don't think that political control by Washington is going to turn out to be a better option.
On 1 Feb 2020 at 9:27am Ferret wrote:
Let's all go out of our way to show the wonderful EU migrants who work in our care homes, hospitals, hotels,restaurants, cleaning agencies and shops, and delivering our packages and takeaways, that we really appreciate their presence in this god-forsaken country, doing the jobs that most of our privileged and over-entitled native population wouldn't touch with a barge pole. And even the street beggars, many of them victims of persecution, prejudice, even hatred, in their own countries.

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