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Hamster found

On 4 Sep 2009 at 9:42am Geoff wrote:
Hamster found in St John Street last night - we will let the police know today in case anyone reports it as missing.
In the meantime, we're looking after it. If you have lost your hamster, mail me at [email protected].

On 4 Sep 2009 at 9:45am Usual Geoff wrote:
Just to be clear, this Geoff, is not that Geoff
On 4 Sep 2009 at 10:10am Freddy star wrote:
Hi I'm fredy start former comic can I have my hamster back have new toilet roll waiting.
On 4 Sep 2009 at 10:37am Ed Can Do wrote:
Freddy Star ate hamsters. It was Richard Gere who put them up his bum and that was a gerbil.
On 4 Sep 2009 at 12:08pm Squidward wrote:
Sicko calling yourself Freddy Star you are a sad unfunny individual
On 6 Sep 2009 at 8:57pm Humourless wrote:
I thought it was funny Squidswad - Freddy star or was it fredy start or indeed Freddie Starr?
On 6 Sep 2009 at 9:07pm 40 something wrote:
OMG, why would Richard Gear do that?
On 6 Sep 2009 at 10:05pm EH? wrote:
Is Richard Gear a new menswear shop?
On 6 Sep 2009 at 10:10pm gerbahammy wrote:
40 something he couldnt find a hamster .
On 6 Sep 2009 at 11:26pm Urban Myth wrote:
Several years ago, "they" say, Richard Gere was admitted into the emergency room of a Los Angeles hospital with a foreign object lodged in his rectum. Some say Gere was alone when he arrived, others say he was accompanied by a friend (e.g., former love interest Cindy Crawford). In any case, an x-ray was taken and it was determined that the foreign object was a gerbil (either alive or dead, depending on who tells the story). Mr. Gere was rushed to surgery, where it took an entire team of doctors to extract the animal from his behind. Some variants say the gerbil was found to have been shaven and declawed; others claim the animal had been placed in a special plastic pouch. Still others insist the poor creature was Gere's own beloved pet (appropriately named "Tibet" in this variant). In any event, when the gerbilectomy was done the medical team was sworn to secrecy unsuccessfully, we must conclude and Gere went on his merry way, suffering no permanent harm other than to his reputation.
On 6 Sep 2009 at 11:32pm Smiler wrote:
Not a shred of evidence has ever been unearthed to prove it. And while Gere himself has never confirmed nor denied it indeed, he rarely speaks of it at all neither have any credible witnesses come forward in the twenty-odd years this story has been in circulation offering firsthand testimony to back it up.
Because it didn't happen. It's folklore.
After the rumor first surfaced, National Enquirer reporter Mike Walker spent months trying in vain to verify it. "I've never worked harder on a story in my life," he told the Palm Beach Post in 1995. Walker came away convinced he was chasing an urban legend.
On 7 Sep 2009 at 4:57pm Ed Can Do wrote:
The most common version I've heard is that the gerbil was covered in cocaine and inserted into his rectum using a bog roll tube.

Whilst it is almost certainly an apocryphal tale, I think people would have been less inclined to believe it and spread it around if Gere had ever tried to sue someone over it (As Freddy Starr did when it was claimed he ate a hamster). I also heard once that Kylie Minogue was airlifted to hosptal to have an Alsation removed from her after a sex game went wrong. Again, probably not true but until I see it officially disproved I'm happy beleiving it.
On 7 Sep 2009 at 5:02pm me wrote:
Gerbilectomy!!!! Now that made me chuckle. well put Mr Myth
Might be illegal in the modern world to have a sense of humour so I guess it's next stop 20 years hard nu-labour for me.

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