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Ham lane tip

On 12 Aug 2010 at 11:14pm Dirty job wrote:
Anyone had bad experiences recently? I had one yesterday, bloke in hi-vis making life as difficult as possible. My son was outraged! They seem to be getting as fed up as the last people were.
On 13 Aug 2010 at 9:35am Rookie wrote:
I've never had a problem down there. You might have caught someone having a bad day.
They do like their notices at the tip. It seems every time I go there I see a new sign prohibiting something or other.
On 13 Aug 2010 at 2:28pm Kenny wrote:
I have had two problems down their before,
The first is a re-occuring problem which is when they decide to empty the skips on saturday and sunday, and they choose to do this during the busiest times instead of emptying them during the week or on a friday before the busy weekend as well as this, is it entirely necessary to close the entire site just for one bin to be emptied, yes I know "HELF AND SAFTY" but I think as long as your not in the vicinity of the skip being emptied then im sure the skip wont fly across the site and land on you.
The second was a time I was down there when I saw this bloke prob 80+ emptying stuff from his bag, he went up the steps to the green skip and then nearly went tumbling back down, I asked one of the site staff if they could give him a hand and he said "No, its not part of my job, Im not allowed" So instead of having some bloke nearly kill him self on site I offered him a hand.
On 13 Aug 2010 at 5:27pm Barry Balls wrote:
The place is staffed by complete jobsworth knob ends. Be like me and fly tip. Much less hassle.
On 13 Aug 2010 at 9:48pm Pearlie wrote:
Always been helpful and polite to me, and whether it was thier job or not I don't know but have been offered help with stuff brfore. PS I am not a dolly bird so that can't be why lol
On 14 Aug 2010 at 6:34am queeny wrote:
the younger one down there is so rude, he is always on his phone but still manages to shout across the tip if he thinks your putting something in the wrong place. i have had many arguments with him. The newhaven tip team are very helpful its worth the longer trip not to get shouted at.
On 15 Aug 2010 at 7:22am me wrote:
I agree, the Newhaven Tip team are a far better option. Friendlier and more approachable. The Rotund girl at Lewes always seems to thnik she's funny, when in fact it just comes across as really sarcastic and rude.
On 15 Aug 2010 at 8:54am Roger McGough wrote:
haha - i got kicked out because I had an extra axle on my trailer - just trying to get rid of a bed that someone had dumped in a building nearby.. 'go elsewhere' - new town motto
On 18 Aug 2010 at 12:34pm happy wrote:
I think you lot are being unfair - especially naming people etc (you're getting like that paranoid man who wrote the Sunday Times article!). The new company who took over (12-18 months ago?) are far better and can-do than the outfit who ran it before - remember it's recycling not a tip so they are trying to get people to put in the right area as if you don't it causes a lot of problems down the line. I know people in Lewes don't like being told what to do but....
On 18 Aug 2010 at 11:09pm Peter and Boon-Nam wrote:
My pad was a tip till my Boo arrived I can tell you. Regards tipsters, Peter

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