On 24 Feb 2017 at 5:51am Tim wrote:
Well, I have a pretty good idea what is going to dominate this forum today!
On 24 Feb 2017 at 7:50am Daily angst wrote:
What? That people with anxiety can now get the higher rate PIP allowance and a new Nissan?
On 24 Feb 2017 at 8:23am The Greek wrote:
That the country seems to have had a full frontal lobotomy and voted in another Tory MP? On the bright side Nuttall got crushed.
On 24 Feb 2017 at 8:54am Bang wrote:
I thought they were too busy crying, and then along comes The Creep…
You really don't like democracy…
On 24 Feb 2017 at 8:57am Pedro wrote:
I suppose the only downside from the tories perspective is that this win in Copeland could lead to Corbyn stepping down, as they feel confident that he stands no chance in 2020 up against Theresa May. To be fair to Corbyn though, he does seem quite resilient (some may say stubborn), and in "Trump terms", much of the media has done a "hit job" on Corbyn to do everything in their powers to hinder his credibility.
But in this kind of toxic, shouty, political climate, the damage to him is probably too much for him to come back from, and even if he is genuinely capable and the right man for the job, he is probably better off for himself (and the party) to step aside. Despite some good progressive ideas and policies, where he has failed on is creating an overall "kinder" politics that he initially pledged - its just wrong place, wrong time in my view (rather than specifically wrong man).
On 24 Feb 2017 at 9:12am Go away wrote:
Bring me a stylograph that I may indite a riposte to this fidus Achates of mine.
On 24 Feb 2017 at 9:16am Go away wrote:
Hahahaha. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Ner ner ne ner ner. Sore losers. Hahaha. Mwahaha
On 24 Feb 2017 at 9:21am The Greek wrote:
I voted for Corbyn twice but I'm not convinced he can win the country unfortunately and my faith is slipping. I believe he intended to step down around this year anyway and put a young protege in place, but the leadership contest of last summer blew all that out the water.
On 24 Feb 2017 at 9:29am Daily angst wrote:
I voted for Corbyn, it cost me to become a registered supporter but I was pleased with the outcome, an inept ideological twit. Give us proportional representation and good things happen
On 24 Feb 2017 at 10:17am Pedro wrote:
I pity trolls. They must be really bored and unhappy with their lives. Its friday chaps, go and take your medication and relax a bit. I'm sure somebody loves you... 

@ The Greek. Corbyn is an affable, genuine and principled bloke, but lacking media savvy. I would 100% back him to be a front bench MP, but in this hostile climate, he's not been allowed, or able, to deal with the challenge of being party leader and uniting his colleagues in the PLP, nor has he been able to shrug off lazy (and often inaccurate) stereotypes the media have pinned on him. The perception of him is distorted, but unfortunately this is critical and he is unlikely to get Labour back into power at the next election. So purely for raising the chances of there not being another tory government in 2020, I hope he steps down.
On 24 Feb 2017 at 10:39am Clifford wrote:
A Labour leader is only deemed 'electable' by the media establishment if he or she is as close to the Tories as makes no difference. The 'main in the street', having been told what to think, then agrees that person is 'a leader' and the party is allowed it's turn in power, changing nothing until the actual Tories return. Thins will continue that way until people grow up and stop looking for a Big Daddy or Mummy to hold their hands.
On 24 Feb 2017 at 11:04am Pedro wrote:
@ clifford, sure, although it seems Brexit and UKIP have muddied the waters a bit. The real tories are surely present, but the current political scene is dominated by brexit, so its a welcome distraction for them.
I'm a remainer, but I think the best thing that could happen to Labour right now is for the UK to leave the EU immediately, giving the tories the next few years before the 2020 election to show how they actually govern the country without all this brexit mess/distraction. That way, the media would be focusing on the tories dismantling public services and token tax cuts to the rich. Sadly this won't happen as we probably won't be even out of the EU till 2019 at the earliest.
On 24 Feb 2017 at 12:02pm bobobob wrote:
I'd like to see both the major parties split. Would stop the whole us vs them cr@p. The tory right can bog off and be a bunch of nasty people on their own. Fake labour people can go be a centrist party. Add in fringe parties like the Lib Dems, Greens etc and we could have some coalitions where MPs will have to learn to behave like adults rather than self serving chumps as their jobs will depend on achieving results rather than tub thumping.
On 24 Feb 2017 at 12:07pm Go away wrote:
Pedro fie! cometh h're and englut mine own shoes thee distemperate daw
On 24 Feb 2017 at 1:47pm Rolf Harris wrote:
I can lend you a stylophone. Englut thine own shoes, thou bellend.
On 24 Feb 2017 at 6:03pm Pedro potatoe wrote:
Just saying