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Grass verge disappointment

On 5 Jun 2018 at 10:27pm Bob wrote:
It's official our verges are letting Lewes down. In the top ten of the most expensive council tax in the UK. Looking very down at heel, whilst Uckfield looks immaculate and even the A27 has neater verges than us.

Check it out here »
On 5 Jun 2018 at 10:50pm The Major. wrote:
Don't give a toss about your post. I love to see the verges looking long and covered in wild flowers
On 6 Jun 2018 at 3:13am Horseman7 wrote:
More cuts mean fewer cuts. Good to see wildlife, including God's creatures, getting a chance.
On 6 Jun 2018 at 6:30am jojo wrote:
I love the wildflowers too. absolutely ridiculous story in Sussex express with tedious male having a moan. There are more important things for the Council to spend money on, than the verges.
On 6 Jun 2018 at 7:21am White van man wrote:
Apart from Bob, the other posters probably don't have to get out and drive around the rural roads. They all need cutting back for at least the first metre of the verge for visibility, especially around bends and past entrances.
On 6 Jun 2018 at 7:45am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Last time I drove down the A26, the grass etc was so long you couldn't see the 50 mph limit sign as you come up to Paygate Cottages. That's fine when you know the road, but could catch out someone who doesn't.
Not being able to see road signs that give you directions is tricky when you're driving in an unfamiliar area too.
I love to see the verges full of wildflowers and insects, but if they're going to let them get long, they need to make the speed limit signs taller!
Would an invisible speed limit sign be a defence against a speeding ticket, I wonder?
On 6 Jun 2018 at 10:46am @Act wrote:
No an invisible speed limit sign won't cut it as a defence, a colleague went to court a few years ago for speeding as the signs were hidden by bushes.
The judge didn't care, apparently my colleague should have known it went from a 40 to a 30 based on the surrounding (despite there being houses both before and after the start of the 30 limit).
On 6 Jun 2018 at 5:42pm No Pot Pourri wrote:
As you approach the Ashcombe roundabout from the East the long grass impedes visibility of the roundabout. I am driving a bit slower to compensate now, so maybe not a bad thing.
On 8 Jun 2018 at 6:54am DJ wrote:
I'd agree with the wild flower comments, but the weeds seem more prolific than flowers and the edges nee cutting for safety. If they looked managed instead of neglected then it would be better.
On 9 Jun 2018 at 12:48am Stop wrote:
Voting bloody Tory then

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