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The Bank of England warns Brexit starts recession

On 12 May 2016 at 4:10pm Lord Nigel Lawson. wrote:
What do I care! I live in France, I am absolutely loaded,and practically ga ga! Vote Leave you suckers!

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On 12 May 2016 at 4:16pm Boris Johnson wrote:
Quite frankly,I don`t give a damn about this country as long as I get to the top of the greasy pole.I`ll say anything and do anything to get there.Vote Leave and I`m your next PM.
On 12 May 2016 at 4:28pm Nigel Farage wrote:
I hate foreigners,apart from Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.I also hate Neil Hamilton,Suzanne Evans our one MP. Douglas Carswell and the other leave campaigns.Vote Leave and I, along with my multi millionaire backer Aaron Banks will destroy your NHS.

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On 12 May 2016 at 4:29pm Brexit Left wrote:
ignore the trolls - How can they explain that manufacturing is already in recession?
How can they explain the levels of youth unemployment in Eurozone countries?
The economy will be better off free from the shackles of Brussels decrees and diktats - the only ones concerned are the 1% and goldman sachs who fund the remain campaign.

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On 12 May 2016 at 4:40pm The Labour Party wrote:
EU Referendum. IN OR OUT?
That’s the question we will all be asked on June 23rd in a referendum about the UK’s membership of the EU. The referendum will ask a very straightforward question do we want to REMAIN or LEAVE the EU.
Labour is very clear that in 2016 there is no good reason to leave the EU and is campaigning for remain IN the EU. Labour is not campaigning with Tories who want us to REMAIN because we have different objectives. The Tories have tried to force the EU to adopt more aggressive less regulated Free Market policies. Labour believes we should be creating a more Social Europe where the needs of people have a greater priority and where there is a greater balance of capital and labour in economic terms.

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On 12 May 2016 at 5:11pm vote leave for jesus wrote:
Listen to this man he knows who is backing the remain campaign.Its pure evil,the devil is here on earth like it warned in the bible.

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On 12 May 2016 at 5:23pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
Nigel Lawson/Nigel/Boris - the adolescent humour and timing of your three posts suggests you've just got home from school. I welcome a contribution from our younger citizens, but repeating the same joke several times a day isn't contributing much to the debate.
On 12 May 2016 at 5:39pm Earl of Snoozes wrote:
Has anyone seen my incontinence pads? I think I`ve wet myself again.
On 12 May 2016 at 5:58pm Convenient wrote:
I still think it's lovely to see Cameron and Corbyn agreeing on something and wanting the same for us ...it's heartwarming .
On 12 May 2016 at 7:08pm Paul Newman wrote:
Jeremy warner the Telegraph`s generally sanguine City and economics writer put his finger on the button.Its the devastation that it could unleash on services that is his fear .
As he rightly says, without passporting rights ( that allow you to trade in Banking and Insurance on a European basis )in order to trade you would have to separately capitalise in every Europeans country you dealt with
That is never going to happen when you could avoid the vast expense and relocate to Paris or Frankfurt. The frothy hedge Fund punters don`t mind the idea of a Pirate ship tax haven without many rules but the City lives on the vast Banking sector, the rest of the South East`s Largest employer is Insurance.
With the Brexiteers obliged to claim they are going to take us out of the Market altogether ( or drop their claim they will close our border because its one or the other) we are actually going to cut ourselves off from our largest source of revenue to the treasury.
Even the prospect of this will be enough to put a strain on the pound and borrowing costs which , in turn will force taxes up reduce demand in the economy and so on
The problem is that when you start to think through the worst case scenarios ( and that is not mine by a long shot) people say; ah well but that’s fear mongering . They are entirely unable to suggest what they base this theory on , some dimly understood generalisation about being dynamic or something .These are words that do not mean anything repeared by people who would not know if they did or did not.#

The only thing that would have mattered to post independence Scotland would have been oil Prices . If you recall this was hardly discussed pre referendum and that because people like talking in vague terms about whatever hope changey what not is their shtick.
As we see now , that was all crap and so will most of the EU chit chat. The only thing that will matter is the house of cards that is the 80% plus indebeted services dependent UK economy toppling . After the paper dissaster comes the real disaster, in lost lives houses jobs and misery

Maybe you think this is all worth it so we can decide to have wobbly carrots and be nasty to Polish people but to me its like a sort of madness . The fact that quite a lot of really nice and decent people seem to be determined to go down this long dark hole bewilders me
On 13 May 2016 at 11:23am fred2016 wrote:
The facts are that we export less and less to EU countries each year. We import less from EU than other countries. Also there is no USA EU trade deal discussions have been going on for 5 years. We will not suffer from Exit. Don't waste your vote by staying in. I have posted many facts about what the UK position is with EU on a number of issues. We are suffering every day by staying in.
On 13 May 2016 at 2:02pm Crazy old Paul again wrote:
Woohoo, another barely literate, ill informed rant from Tory propagandist Paul Newman.

The Financial services sector literally will be almost entirely unaffected by Britain leaving the EU. For starters, it's a global trade and makes far, far more money from America, China and the Middle East than from Europe. Secondly, the other countries locally that make a lot of money from financial services are Switzerland and Luxembourg, the former because historically they had a don't ask, don't tell policy when it came to corporate secrecy and the latter because they're a tax haven. No huge bank is going to set up an HQ in Germany or France where banking regulations are far tighter, tax rates far higher and it's much tougher to get access to all the dodgy Chinese, Russian and Arab state money they make so much profit from laundering.

For all the wild speculation on both sides of the debate (And all it is is speculation), all the major players are avoiding the obvious outcome which is that nothing at all will really change, other than necrobestiality fan David Cameron hopefully getting the boot and taking his cadre of incompetent ministers with him.

Politicians don't understand the population and seemingly never will. The campaigns started far, far too early, most people will be completely bored of the whole debacle long before the actual vote date and either won't bother voting or will just do whatever the Sun tells them on polling day. Also people don't trust politicians and the British hate being told what to do by foreigners. Getting Obama to speak up for the Remain camp guaranteed more votes for Brexit. Getting the IMF and the Bank of England to tell us to vote Remain almost certainly did the same thing. Getting Gordon Brown to come out in support of Remain has probably won the election for Leave in one fell swoop. It's staggering how bad both campaigns have been thus far but the Remain lot are really, really hopeless. Stop Gordon Brown having anything to do with it, for the love of God don't associate with George Osborne and Jeremy Hunt, avoid any mention of the opinions of foreign leaders and organisations and keep David Cameron's involvement to a minimum. Instead, get Ant and Dec on board, add support from Keith Lemon and David Walliams, chuck in a Mo Farrah or Dame Kelly Holmes with a smattering of football stars for the broadest possible appeal and sit back and wait for the landslide victory.
On 14 May 2016 at 3:43am Fairmeadow wrote:
Gordon Brown may have proved a weak prime minister but he will be recognised as one of our great chancellors, with a far better record on major calls like this than anyone else. As the man who kept us out of the Euro we are all in his debt. Despite the subsequent re-writing of history by the Mail and the Sun, we owe more to him than anyone else for navigating the crash caused by the casino bankers.
Most of the loud voices like the IMF and city establishment proclaiming disaster following Brexit are the same voices who proclaimed that similar disaster would strike if we didn't join the Euro. Cameron is uniquely implausible as it was his decision to hold an unnecessary referendum in the first place, and no one with any brain would do that if they thought one option would lead to disaster. These voices were all persuading me towards the Brexit side of the fence, and Brexit might be the only way I can vote for Scottish independence. But Gordon Brown's view is one I might listen to.
On 14 May 2016 at 1:32pm pn wrote:
Crazy old Etc.
Luxembourg was one of the founding members of the EU and Switzerland has a series of bilateral treaties that amount to membership of the EAA. If you have a point it has eluded me .
The City successfully trades with the rest of the world as a member of the EU without which all arrangements would have to start from scratch . Many of the Banks are Insures located there are European.
Regulations in Germany and France are not tighter than in the UK especially being in line with European legislation( of course !) business is attracted by a solid regulatory regime for obvious reasons .
So we have established you don`t know anything about Services in the EU , what we do not know is why you typed a paragraph of guff about Ant and Dec. I`m not gagging to find out and I think , with time I will learn to live with the pain your literary judgements have caused me .
Fairmeadow – I have rather come round to Brown and I don`t disagree with what you have said . Nonetheless you cannot ignore the fact that it was his misjudgement of the economic cycle that has mired the country in debts for a generation . Hindsight is a wonderful thing as they say….. overall he is a decent man with a fund of real life experience . I hope you will bear his view in mind
In fact I am surprised to hear you are even thinking about endangering you neighbours jobs and the ability of the state to support public services for no good reason . I had not thought you were the sort of person who fretted about “furriners” at the gate and all that . Not sure I understand why you want to get rid of Scotland either . It would have been a calamity for the Scots and I don`t wish them ill for all their rather heightened sense of importance ….
PS - Cameron was responding to voters , that is what politicians do and thats why we have a democracy.
On 14 May 2016 at 2:32pm Paul Trollman wrote:
Stop lying Paul.
You are completely out of your depth and education. Our economy will be much better off outside the EU.

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On 14 May 2016 at 5:55pm Just Bob wrote:
Brown knows best?

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On 14 May 2016 at 5:57pm Just Bob wrote:
Brown respects his supporters!

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On 14 May 2016 at 6:00pm Just Bob wrote:
You choose!

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On 14 May 2016 at 6:53pm Bob a Job wrote:
Speak up Brown, you're through.

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