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Goodbye Lamb

On 3 Sep 2018 at 10:58am Pubman wrote:
Finally closed to be turned into a gin palace. Such an enormous loss to Lewes as a music venue. There have been so many outstanding bands play there in the past 8 years or so and so many brilliant evenings. Thank you to everyone involved in it over the years from staff to customers and especially Alec.
On 3 Sep 2018 at 11:05am Gin is no Tonic wrote:
A shame indeed. It was a great night on Saturday. What exactly a Gin bar is, I've no idea. They sold Gin there already. Unless they invest heavily in a kitchen and a cosmetic overhaul, it wont last. There's no doubt that Lewes needs an alternative venue to the myriad of pubs and the tedious bores that infest them, but The Lamb should remain a music venue.
On 3 Sep 2018 at 12:41pm Slaughtered lamb wrote:
Went there three times. On every occasion, it was virtually empty, totally without atmosphere, dirty and the loos were in a terrible state. I'm no fan of gin - especially the over-priced bespoke nonsense en vogue - but I'd take a gin palace over that. Ta ta!
On 3 Sep 2018 at 5:43pm The lamb lies down on wrote:
Broadway. Maybe it'll be a Genesis for the pub. Sorry, Gin Palace.
On 3 Sep 2018 at 6:37pm Local wrote:
The gin bar will fail, then it will re-open as The Lamb to the horror of anyone unfortunate enough to live nearby.
On 4 Sep 2018 at 8:00am @local wrote:
OMG! You moved next to a pub and there was noise! Outrageous
On 4 Sep 2018 at 11:04pm Local wrote:
I live nowhere near the Lamb, but I walk past it a lot, especially at night. For those people who may have loved near it or indeed any other pub for years, there is an enormous difference between what was a normal pub buzz of noise, and the glass-rattling volume of bands coupled with inside and out drunks shouting at each other – far later into the evening than every expected not that long ago.
On 5 Sep 2018 at 2:21pm well I never wrote:
Gin bars, a fad, The lamb was proudly my regular during the 1970's, 80's & 90's loud when the music was on, diabolical when some nameless person brought in karaoke back in the 80's, had a pool table that rose fell with the tide. but it had good company, last time I was in it on a Saturday night the music was loud and the dancing was on the tables, It will only be a poncy Gin bar for a while, eventually, hopefully it will get back to being a pub, . Thank god at least for the Gardiners & the Lansdown. Still possible to get an unpretentious pint in an unpretentious pub with unpretentious punters.
On 6 Sep 2018 at 8:46am Bitter Beast wrote:
@well I never, absolutely right, although I'd add the Gardners to that list. I see the Lewes Arms has now been taken over by the odd bloke who only owns one blue jacket. That explains why it is even more pretentious than it was before. At least now there is less of the front bar bores and the commercial sq drunks.
On 14 Sep 2018 at 5:26pm The Twister wrote:
Ain't nothing pretentious about gin.Where do you get that idea from?
"According to 18th Century author Daniel Defoe, in 1727 over half of London’s 15,000 drinking establishments were dedicated to gin.
Records show that by around 1721, gin was developing a bit of a negative reputation. Magistrates in Middlesex referred to gin as “the principal cause of all the vice & debauchery committed among the inferior sort of people”.

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