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Good schools in Lewes...

On 21 Jul 2009 at 4:29pm Joe wrote:
Wondering which infant school I should apply to next year for my son...any good/bad experiences out there? Ta
On 21 Jul 2009 at 5:07pm angry mum wrote:
Stay well away from Wallands and St Pancras. Wallands is far too big for children to be individual and St Pancras has lost it's best and only good teacher and still carries a lot of 'dead wood' despite a new headship recently.
On 21 Jul 2009 at 5:51pm Strange! wrote:
They are the two schools I'd have recommended!
On 21 Jul 2009 at 6:22pm Smiler wrote:
Southover is supposed to be better now Ms Blows has gone
On 21 Jul 2009 at 6:44pm TDA wrote:
My boy goes to St Pancras and it seems to be very nice, but they could do with grass in the playground. Apart from that, and being up the top of the hill, it's good.

Angry Mum - just curious what you mean by 'far too big to be individual'?
On 21 Jul 2009 at 6:49pm FA wrote:
My daughter's last day at St Pancras today and it's been superb. Apart from Wallands being a bit on the big side, just about every school in Lewes is ok...even the Pells has enjoyed some superb Ofsted reports and is highly rated.
I know what you mean about St Pancs losing it's one decent teacher...but he made a surprise appearance for the kids today !!!
On 21 Jul 2009 at 6:59pm Not a really angry mum wrote:
FA...Really?? Yes, He really was the best. How is he? Did he bring his baby?
On 21 Jul 2009 at 7:06pm drone wrote:
Visit a number of local schools. You don't say what part of town you live. You will not find any bad primary schools in the area and you could enrol your child in any of them with confidence. When you visit a school, don't be conned by league tables or OFSTED reports. Just go by your impressions. You have a reception child or maybe year 1 or 2. The only question you need to be asking is: do the kids in the infant classes seem happy & motivated? As a feeder school, Pells has a good reputation in local secondary schools. I wouldn't want to comment on South Malling as I work there and may not be entirely objective. But if you are in the Cliffe or Malling areas, it is worth a visit.
On 22 Jul 2009 at 7:04am FA wrote:
He's back for the summer but just popped back to St. P's to say goodbye to the year 6 who he taught last year. He's absolutely fine but he left baby with mum. Hoping to go out for a beer with him over the summer. It was certainly great to see him again....probably the best teacher i've ever known.
On 31 Jul 2009 at 8:28pm freqeist1 wrote:
they are all good in Lewes, my GF is a head teacher in Croydon, the horror stories she tells me about backs that up, my son has just finished South Malling school, we have had no complaints there.

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