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Good idea to burn plastic?

On 22 Nov 2015 at 6:25pm Q wrote:
Every Sunday I spend helping with a garden in Landport. Great to be outside on a day like today, totally ruined every Sunday by somebody burning plastic. Do people not care about toxic fumes drifting through the estate? Is it a cheap way of keeping warm? Put another bag on Doris the fire's going out.
On 22 Nov 2015 at 6:47pm Judge Mental wrote:
Most people do not give a sh*t. They will happily burn plastic, throw waste out of moving car windows, totally ignore Climate Change warnings, basically Tory Selfishness etc. Luckily conscription in the next few years (Thirld War War - ISIS) will put a stop to this.
On 22 Nov 2015 at 7:33pm Gary wrote:
I do not think it is a good idea to burn plastic. But can anyone smell something bad if it's in the forest by itself as the famous saying goes.
Kind regards,
On 22 Nov 2015 at 9:49pm Harry wrote:
It is not a good idea obviously, to burn anything. However teenagers don't tend to go out with a plastic bag just to burn it. I imagine it is whatever they find on the ground.
More people need to pick things up when they see rubbish.
not taking a dig at anyone just a thought.
On 23 Nov 2015 at 9:05am Celine wrote:
Burning plastic is illegal. Tell Environmental Health at LDC.
On 23 Nov 2015 at 12:58pm Janitor Jerkoff wrote:
Hello peoples and gary. where upon is these forest nearbye lewes? I takes my Vodka empties to communities re cycling plant. I pass my water into olden plastics bottles and empties into ouse river. I have also Romanian Earth Closet - no smells and fertilise good my patch for vegges.

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