On 9 Jun 2009 at 12:32am Edi Bow wrote:
Everytime i walk passed Giles Lesuire i find it quite annoying that the television mounted in their window is left on 24/7! What makes me laugh is that they always advertise ways to be more green. . . Even advising you to turn your TV off at night and when you leave the house!! How can they preatch this when they are doing it themselves. There is no one around at 3/4am to watch it. . . and even during the day, people arn't going to come into town to watch the news through their window! Does anyone agree that they should turn the television off when the shop is closed? x
On 9 Jun 2009 at 12:37am Rose Tinted Specs wrote:
Organise a boycott, distribute leaflets, plan a day of action, or just bloody well grow up and ignore it.
On 9 Jun 2009 at 6:10am Heinrich wrote:
I vill observe the picket line. Count me in.
On 9 Jun 2009 at 7:25am mr happy wrote:
I agree Edi - it does seem a pointless idea to have that TV there. Just ignore RTS he/she is obviously an employee there or just plain rude.
On 9 Jun 2009 at 8:42am Clueless wrote:
Where is Giles Leisure?
On 10 Jun 2009 at 6:34am The Green Man wrote:
most of the shops leave all their lights on all night too!!! - I think we should start campaigning against this wastefullness
On 10 Jun 2009 at 11:41am lord landport wrote:
whats shown on the tv adverts for hot tubs ?
or the news as the OP states was not very clear ?
I can see why people who run shops have tvs in the window and yes people will look during the night but why not buy a time switch turning it off say between midnight and 6am when very few people are around.
whats also with the lights on the R/H side of the road leading to the Victoria hospital it's like driving into the sun . maybe a few less lights would do the trick or maybe lower the wattage of the bulbs.
rant over
On 13 Jun 2009 at 1:17pm not from around here wrote:
Just leave them alone! If they want to leave the advertising screen on then obviously they think it is doing something worthwhile for them. Unless you pay for their electricity it is none of your business. If you don't like it then look the other way. Edi Bow, you say nobody is around to watch it - well you've obviously seen it!
Just because they are a business does not give busy-bodies the right to campaign or interfere with their activities - would you like somebody complaining on here that you left your heating on overnight or your freezer or perhaps you have a few items such as TV's on standby? I think we should start a campaign outside your house! Ahh! This is SO Lewes.
On 15 Jun 2009 at 3:51pm Colin wrote:
NFRH this isnt about who pays the bill its about our enviroment?
If you cant see that you either work for or own Giles Leisure
or a complete W@**er.
On 15 Jun 2009 at 4:32pm not from around here wrote:
Very nice Colin, how to win friends and influence people!
If it's about the environment then that applies to anybody including YOU. What I meant was, don't attack them just because they are a business.
Still, if they pay their bills then it really is none of yours or anybody elses business how many lights or screens they choose to leavie on is it? Like I said it's these barmy attitudes that makes Lewes the butt of so many jokes.
On 15 Jun 2009 at 5:06pm enzo wrote:
if they choose to have a tv on 24 hrs a day, I doubt they've thought about it that clearly (and have money to throw away), also since they are a business and have a tele in their window they're inviting debate about it. I do try and turn everything off at night including the standby, I personally feel we should worry about the environment not if for our own pockets but for future generations to live. But I'm guessing 'not form around here' is one of those people who doesn't believe global warming is happening and that the environment doesn't matter or like colin said.
On 15 Jun 2009 at 5:30pm Keeley wrote:
Thoroughly agree with NFAH, Lewes has got such a reputation as being filled with people who are stuck up their own arses and busybodies with nothing else to do then whinge about things that have got ZERO to do with them. Get a LIFE
On 15 Jun 2009 at 5:48pm colin wrote:
NFRH :- How do you know I Don't Switch my tele off standby etc My house is wired up so all my tv equipment is switched off at the wall at night and when i'm at work.
also every light bulb in the house is energy saving. plus my apliances are all energy saving etc etc oh and i recycle .
Im not attacking them because they are a business it's because they are not thinking about the enviroment.
Keeley & NFRH
Regardless of the cost and if he pays his bills this is an enviroment issue
and makes it my business and everyone else who cares.
If this makes Lewes people stuck up own A***S then its a poor world we live in.
as for you two I think it's you both who have your heads so firmly up your own AR*** you could wear yourselfs as hats.
On 15 Jun 2009 at 6:16pm Keeley wrote:
Colin what a charming individual you are. You are demonstrating the typical snooty Lewes "we're better then everyone else we're above the law lets all campaign and make loads of trouble against everything we don't believe in" attitude. Pathetic. There's countless things in this world I don't agree with and would like to see changed, but you can't solve everything because people do not listen and everyone has different views, just like the parking in this town, loads of people hate it but I also know loads of people support it too. You can't please everyone. And frankly there's more important issues going on in the country then if a shop leaves its TV on overnight. If you feel that strongly about it then get off your backside and raise a petition (Lewes is big on petitions that sadly, don't actually change much) or write a strongly worded letter of complaint to Giles' manager. I'm sure he will take on board everything you say. Seriously though, I think you need to get a life. My opinion, deal with it...its been a pleasure chatting to you all
On 15 Jun 2009 at 6:20pm Bluewave wrote:
On 15 Jun 2009 at 8:58pm Stargazer wrote:
Keeley, I do agree with what you say (esp about the busy-body attitude in Lewes) but you do have to admit that it poses an interesting question, leaving a TV on all night every night is kinda irresponsible...
On 16 Jun 2009 at 9:49am Justin Time wrote:
That's what I Love about this forum When people don't agree they say "Get a Life "
It's Freedom of speach and doesn't make Lewes folk snooty and better than everyone else.
On 16 Jun 2009 at 6:49pm Klaus wrote:
Or if you're FA then you call someone "narrow minded" if people don't agree with you.
On 17 Jun 2009 at 6:38pm Great Crested Newt wrote:
Colin, I love the thing about hats! Couldn't stop laughing. As for nfah and keeley, well, obviously not environment conscious and probably have too much income. And I bet they have hot tubs therefore, they probably get thrush infection alot.
On 17 Jun 2009 at 10:15pm Hedwig wrote:
They didn't say they weren't environmentally conscious and whats their income got to do with anything? Slightly childish response to be honest.
On 17 Jun 2009 at 11:00pm Pimms wrote:
Lewes is the butt of jokes i agree people should grow up and stop whinging about bloody everything that they dont like
On 18 Jun 2009 at 6:57am Great Crested Newt wrote:
Imagine how flat and boring it would be on here if no one took the p... once in a while? Come on you lot, have a sense of humour!!! And what's wrong with being childish once in a while? Being a child isnt a disease. That's like insulting today's children! I wasn't ready to become an adult as I was having too much fun as a child so every now and again, it;s good to revert and as long as no one gets physically harmed then surely we're all adult enough to cope with a bit of banter?
On 18 Jun 2009 at 8:22pm Hedwig wrote:
Yes dear I love banter but what has their income got to do with anything? Don't stoop to personal insults, it just makes you look foolish!!
On 18 Jun 2009 at 11:51pm Great Crested Newt wrote:
People with big incomes don't usually worry about watching their fuel bills as they don't have to!!!!!!! Simple!
I work with alot of very wealthy people and believe me, 99 percent of them really don't give a s..t about turning off their 24/7 all year round electrical appliances. It's not arrogance - it's simply because they DON'T have to worry about the huge bills!!!!
And so what if I am a fool? It's more fun than being a bore.