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On 6 Aug 2009 at 6:36pm cliff edge wrote:
Bit dull this but - can anyone recommend a decent (plumber? gas fitter?) person to connect my gas oven?
On 6 Aug 2009 at 6:40pm FA wrote:
Tony Williams.... 07801 784192. Local, reasonable and decent work.
On 6 Aug 2009 at 8:57pm Petr the Polak wrote:
I come and do your gas. cheaper than williams £20 cash please. do good job no boom boom to house. come tomorrow do you have whiskey in house. whiskey make me work better.
On 6 Aug 2009 at 10:06pm Auntie Sue wrote:
Is he Corgi Registered just to be on the safe side
On 6 Aug 2009 at 10:25pm Petr the Polak wrote:
Yes yes auntie I have dog now you want good service. I come round get out whiskey ready.
On 7 Aug 2009 at 9:53am Tax Payer wrote:
is it just me or can I smell gas up on the Offham road (near the footpath, under the trees by the crescent) just where they have had roadworks for OVER A YEAR and the same bit has now been dug up FOUR times in THREE years??
On 7 Aug 2009 at 4:27pm cliff edge wrote:
Thanks FA, will try 'Williams'. And thanks Petr, that made me giggle.
On 8 Aug 2009 at 7:52pm wanderer wrote:
yeah taxpayer I ride past that bit and I can smell it too .. do you report it and know that the road will be up for the next 12mths and block bonfire night or just leave it to a good sense of smell ?
On 10 Aug 2009 at 3:14pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Report it, there's no good reason to be going down there on Bonfire Night anyway.
On 10 Aug 2009 at 7:45pm corgiNOmore wrote:
It's nor corgi anymore - GAS SAFE for chrisakes!
On 10 Aug 2009 at 11:41pm Tax Payer wrote:
thought i was imagining it
WTF is GAS SAFE - no one has told me - CORGI it was - when did it stop being CORGI - also interesting to note that NVQ's are graded as to how they fit in the O-Level - A-Level scale - cos we all kmow what that means - 30 years after they changed it from Snickers to Opal Fruit Grade 1
We all know what CORGI means - why do they do it to us - incidently ever wondered why they don't trust us to put plugs on anymore? they changed the wire colours in them too

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