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Garden thefts ,

On 12 Apr 2013 at 9:16pm lets be having you wrote:
The prolific spate of garden thefts in and around lewes will continue for some time yet . The young Bonnie and Clyde responsible were due to appear in court on tuesday but of course the courts were a bit busy ! so it has been postponed until July 30th ..maybe . They have still been stealing despite being caught in september , and the police are aware that it is the same Lewes couple committing the thefts but seem unable to stop them . Nail down everything in the garden nothing is safe and don't rely on sussex police to help , they're too busy doing ..............oh yes ! opening the police station for 2 hours a day 5 days a week !
On 12 Apr 2013 at 9:26pm the old mayor wrote:
Scum !
On 13 Apr 2013 at 7:30am Pete wrote:
Yeah, but wait until they see my Rottweilers .......
On 13 Apr 2013 at 1:07pm Horseman7 wrote:
And my blind cocker spaniel with the lopsided hair cut (I'm half way through doing it the hard way) will scare them rigid.
On 13 Apr 2013 at 5:04pm Jane S wrote:
What are they nicking? Should I nail down my bird-feeder or my potatoes? Should I wire my cloches to the mains? Worry, worry
On 13 Apr 2013 at 5:42pm Splat wrote:
On 13 Apr 2013 at 6:43pm Horseman7 wrote:
On 14 Apr 2013 at 9:56am Pete wrote:
I've got loads of slugs !! I'll pop them over the fence to make it easier for them to steal......hope the neighbours don't mind......
On 14 Apr 2013 at 11:38am Oldbutintouch wrote:
It seems that this same couple have also been interviewed by the police about the theft of charity boxes from Lewes shops. What likeable rogues! They should both be locked up immediately.
On 14 Apr 2013 at 12:57pm victim wrote:
My garden items were spotted in the cliffe pet shop. When I went to see for myself, I asked if he had anything similar. He showed me another room full of stolen items and I then revealed who I was. The police were called and it seems he had been buying items - known to be stolen - for a long time. This has nothing to do with the new owners as far as i'm aware. I have the name of the bloke who is doing all this. He is a desperate drug addict who has robbed his family too.
On 14 Apr 2013 at 3:27pm lets be having you wrote:
Victim , did you get your goods back ? i presume the police have called on the previous pet shop owners to appear as witnesses in the court case that has taken 6 months so far to then get cancelled at 23 hours notice , The couple ( she is as guilty as him ) have sold stuff to pretty much every antique shop in town over the past few months , mostly because of lack of information from the police , who could have visited all suitable shops and warned them that this was going on . one shop that inadvertantly bought one item has given statements to the police has already returned the item to the rightful owner . Perhaps , as everyone knows who they are maybe a local group of right minded people should intervene as it seems the police are unconcerned . ps Robert and alex look over your shoulder !

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