Lewes Forum thread

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Garden Clearance

On 27 Apr 2011 at 3:11pm Green Fingers wrote:
I wonder if anyone can help...
We've just done a major clearout on the garden and have alot of trees and bushes to get rid of. Can anyone suggest someone to take this away at a reasonable rate?
On 27 Apr 2011 at 3:36pm belladonna wrote:
why not take it all to the lewes dump. There are two huge containers for green waste
On 27 Apr 2011 at 4:02pm Vesbod wrote:
Lewes RECYCLING centre if you please !!

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I like the walk along the ouse to Hamsey church, the view from the top of the Castle, Pells pool, the antique shops and boot fair, the lion in the window of the 15c bookshop, keere street

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