On 16 Feb 2013 at 6:03pm Dave wrote:
Oh no! It looks like Future Cycles has bitten the dust
What a shame
On 16 Feb 2013 at 6:13pm Deelite wrote:
Very unfortunately they opened up the same month as cycle shack. The latter had as better location and more money behind it. Lewes is barely able to support one greengrocers, let alone two bicycle shops.
On 16 Feb 2013 at 9:17pm the old mayor wrote:
Yeah but just how many Coffee Shops ?
On 16 Feb 2013 at 10:05pm Local wrote:
Oh come on, compare apples with apples!
Clutching a cardboard cup of over-priced in front of you as you hurry self-importantly around the streets is an essential everyday routine for many these days. Buying a bike or getting a puncture repaired is a rarity.
But what about the number of estate agent scum in the town?
On 16 Feb 2013 at 10:21pm Pedal crank PETE wrote:
Good riddance to them. Rip off merchants. Buy on line, unless you're really really stupid
On 16 Feb 2013 at 11:05pm Jane S wrote:
That is such a shame. They did a brilliant job on my bicycle. Goodbye, Past Cycles.
On 17 Feb 2013 at 9:29am Ducatipete wrote:
What a shame. They were a good independent outlet unlike the rubbish you get from Halfords and the like.
On 17 Feb 2013 at 9:54am Sussex Jim wrote:
Never mind. There will soon be a cycle repair facility by the expensive new bike shed at Lewes station. Or,rather, there will probably be a retail unit built and on the market to rent out at a rate that no cycle repair business can afford.
On 17 Feb 2013 at 10:02am Kettle wrote:
Terrible news. They provided a great service. Really understood bikes and were nice people.
On 17 Feb 2013 at 10:11am TDA wrote:
My wife bought our youngest a bike from Halfords for his birthday today.
We were making it together this morning and there is a 4 inch split in the inner tube. Good old Halfords.
On 17 Feb 2013 at 11:05am TDA wrote:
Oh actually it was Toys R Us.
Good old Toys R Us!
On 17 Feb 2013 at 6:13pm TDA wrote:
...Took it back and they exchanged it for a fully made up one with a massive party balloon and some goodies by way of apopolgy. Good old Toys R Us... not sure what the point is now
On 17 Feb 2013 at 6:16pm insomniac wrote:
This is, of course, Tory economics in effect.
The smaller the business, the less chance you've got against bigger tax avoiders. Do Cycle Shack pay taxes? Halfords and Toys R Us definitely don't.
On 17 Feb 2013 at 6:36pm Boris wrote:
Would that be the same Tories that spent last week persuading fellow European leaders to join them in clamping down on tax avoidance?
The Tax avoidance that the previous government and all you lefties turned a blind eye to until the recession kicked in.
On 17 Feb 2013 at 6:38pm Here we go wrote:
Yes it's all margret thatchers fault.
Sits back and awaits sq, bb, and all the other leftie middle class wind bags to arrive
On 17 Feb 2013 at 7:01pm Boris wrote:
Due to my rant I forgot to write what I was meant to.
Future Cycles also had a larger shop in Forest Row and the whole business has ceased trading so the finger shouldn't really be pointed at Cycle Shack. It's more likely that our good friend the internet is the culprit. People would go into their shop, find a bike, get in depth information on the product and go home and buy it cheaper on the net.
On 17 Feb 2013 at 10:50pm Insomniac wrote:
Thatâ??s all very well but talk is cheap â?? what I saw was Osborne trotting out something to make him appear to be clamping down on tax dodgers. Nothing will come of it, and nothing is meant to come of it. Its PR, and I don't trust him. I notice they are also , very publicly banning tax dodging firms from tendering for public projects, but apparently they can if they really want to.
I do wish though, you'd stop 1) blaming the Labour party for neo-con policies invented by Tories, 2) blaming the Labour Party as if its not full of Thatcherite neo-cons anyway and 3) assuming anybody who doesn't agree with aggressive neo-conservatism is a lefty. I certainly haven't voted Labour since Blair made clear his Tory credentials. Even though I consider myself left of center (and have a little think about where that is now), I think capitalism has a value in economics, but not the runaway capitalist dictatorships you are so fond of.
When did the Tories ever object to Labour's economic policies, apart from saying they didn't go far enough?
The trouble with you is your blind faith in your masters. Witness how, until now, all you foaming Fascists assured the rest of us how utterly impossible it is to do anything about these tax dodging parasites, and how our economy depended on their generosity. Proof you are unable to think for yourselves.
On 18 Feb 2013 at 11:45am Clifford wrote:
Boris wrote: 'The Tax avoidance that the previous government and all you lefties turned a blind eye to until the recession kicked in.'
I suppose we have to keep saying this till we're blue in the face: 'LEFTIES' DID NOT SUPPORT THE LABOUR GOVERNMENT. You seem to be the only person who doesn't know that the purpose behind 'New Labour' was to get 'lefties' out of the Labour party?
On 18 Feb 2013 at 11:49am Old Cynic wrote:
Whyb has a conversation about the demise of a bike shop turned into a game of name calling and political point scoring? Calm down!
On 18 Feb 2013 at 4:47pm Ratty wrote:
Deelite hit the nail on the head with the comment on two shops in the town opening within a few weeks of each othe. FC didn't reallyhave a great location for a shop either.
On 18 Feb 2013 at 7:34pm Expat Two wrote:
Boris wrote: 'The Tax avoidance that the previous government and all you lefties turned a blind eye to until the recession kicked in.'
So.. when the government lies about their economic policies, makes unfounded assurances about economic stability and misleading promises of enduring prosperity for all, then believing it is actually 'turning a blind eye' to the reality.
Well that's a new line of defense I'd never have thought.
But moreover Boris, why didn't your beloved fascists make any objection? Who turned the blind eye while their own incomes rocketed? (And I might add, in these worsening economic times, continue to rocket exponentially)
Not that I expect an answer, you'll do your usual trick of hiding from the argument.
On 19 Feb 2013 at 7:29pm Deelte wrote:
Having your most expensive possession rocket in price obviously makes many people feel comfortable and quite uncomplaining...... but of course they are very stupid and so, mostly Tories.
On 19 Feb 2013 at 8:51pm Boris wrote:
Hurrrrrrrrrayyyyy I'm a fascist again.
Of course it's all down to the nasty Tories, everything, especially the closing of Future cycles.
Absolutely Classic, only on the Lewes forum.
On 19 Feb 2013 at 8:51pm cyclist wrote:
This was a great little shop run by really good people. I'm gutted.
On 19 Feb 2013 at 9:32pm grafter wrote:
Being called a fascist is a badge of honour Boris! Still, we are lucky to have the benefit of such great minds as Expat are we not?
Back to the topic, did anyone else notice that the FC shop was very close to where the cycle doctor sets up every saturday morning. Unfair competition?
Also they were a bit upmarket. There just are not enough people who want to spend £1000 or more on a bike in Lewes. It might make sense in suburban London where city boys ride to work on their Italian racing bikes but there is a shop in Uckfield that has that market covered.Future cycles used to do a lot of eccentric and recumbent bikes in Forest Row. Maybe they tried to go mainstream and misjudged it?
On 20 Feb 2013 at 12:41am Online all the way :-) wrote:
Cr@p location , very narrow frontage, and when I went I'm there seemed over staffed. Plus they charged me forty quid for an inner tube I'm not weeping at their demise
On 20 Feb 2013 at 2:51am expat two wrote:
You don't like being called a fascist? Well, hey, as a centrist/Liberal I donâ??t much care for the â??leftieâ?? label, but my guess is you donâ??t much care about that, so suck it up Sonny Boy, what goes around comes around.
You've got no on-topic response though, have you?
On 20 Feb 2013 at 9:16am Cliffe Hanger wrote:
Oh the irony "expat two". You post comments from, if I am not mistaken, New Zealand, about UK politics, in a thread concerned with the unfortunate demise of a cycle shop that perhaps you have never even seen, and accuse others of going "off-topic".
On 20 Feb 2013 at 10:53pm expat two wrote:
Oh I donâ??t think its ironic. Iâ??m surprised how much a bit of detachment has made to my worldview, or UKview, since leaving Lewes. True, I donâ??t know FC, but Iâ??m free to draw attention to whatâ??s happening in the collapsing UK economy, as its seen from afar and without the influence of a colluding neo-conservative media, arenâ??t I?
Donâ??t think things are any rosier here though, our own right wing government has announced, just yesterday, that partners of welfare fraudsters are to be prosecuted as accomplices. Welfare fraud costs the govt. $39m per annum. There is, however, not a shred of interest in prosecuting partners of tax fraudsters, who cost the country more than $1bn pa.
All that on top of the appalling pollution being accommodated to the extract industries and dairy farmers. It'd make you weep.
What would you expect from a country whoâ??s prime minister happens to also be the countryâ??s 10th wealthiest/shadiest businessman.
On 20 Feb 2013 at 11:19pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Not much point me joining the "white flight" to retire to your country,then.
On 21 Feb 2013 at 3:56am Expat Two wrote:
Notreally, its got a good advertising campaign, but NZ is a pretty filthy country. 8/10 rivers are too polluted to swim in.