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Fun for Maria

On 29 Aug 2022 at 9:46am Nevillman wrote:
Private eye has an interesting piece about gifts for our hard working and not so hard working MPs. Our very own Maria was able to enjoy Wimbledon on behalf of her constituents to the tune of £3,258 paid for by the Betting and Gaming Council.
We can of course be certain that this will not in any way influence how she votes on gambling related matters when the MPs have finished their shortish holiday and go back to work.
On 29 Aug 2022 at 10:44am Green Sleeves wrote:
Its always the sleaziest companies that give away the biggest and best "freebies". Lobbying is a dirty business. I'm surprised she hasn't also taken lots of perks from oil and gas companies as well.

£3k for a Wimbledon ticket seems steep though. Must have been a pretty high-end corporate box style access.....she certainly wouldn't be watching the tennis on Henman Hill/Murray Mound with the rest of the peasants.
On 29 Aug 2022 at 10:15pm Tom Pain wrote:
It's the directorships, speaking gigs and assorted odd-jobs they get post parliament that annoy me most. And nev, mr.keep on the subject, what has speculating about my activities in cliffe got to do with graffiti? Also such interest is unwelcome and unforumlike.
On 30 Aug 2022 at 9:58am Nevillman wrote:
It's not only post parliament that they get all the extra jobs and money Tom. I totally accept that politics needs to exist to allow the country to run for the rest of us but I am getting an increasing feeling of snouts in the trough for mainly self serving politicians.
I can't believe you are proud of the rest of your post Tom so we shall move quickly on as I wouldn't want you to melt.
No pictures of Maria enjoying the 3,258 pounds worth of hospitality at Wimbledon in her latest newsletter but plenty of pictures of her trying to associate herself with what she hopes are popular initiatives like the 3g pitch at newhaven and resisting the ringmer solar farm. She visited an ambulance cleaning station 40 miles away which would be little comfort to someone waiting for an ambulance. The real issue of insufficient investment in the health service is ignored.
It also sounds like she is full square behind the Tories getting round to cleaning up the water companies. They've only had 12 years to do something about it.
On 30 Aug 2022 at 10:50pm Tom Pain wrote:
I've just seen the Tag Team Trollers efforts on the graffiti thread- top marks for brass neck lads.
On 2 Sep 2022 at 8:34am Green Sleeves wrote:
TP, you started a thread, on a Lewes forum, about Alice Springs weather. You were trolling. Its some hilariously flawed "gotcha" from the Emperor Troll Tom Pain. You going to start a thread about lunar landings next?
On 2 Sep 2022 at 11:46am Nevillman wrote:
Trolling about trolling on a completely unrelated thread Tom. Back to the old days of turning any thread into whatever happened to be in your head Tom so destroying lines of argument and ensuring that sensible posters were deterred.
All of my comments on the graffiti threads were about graffiti Tom. You only thought they were trolling comments because you disagreed with them.
Back to this one. Sounds like you voted Caulfield Tom. How do you feel about her snout in the trough? Another "they're all the same" answer coming up maybe?
On 2 Sep 2022 at 5:02pm Green Sleeves wrote:
I think Tom just wants to be "that guy" that everyone rolls their eyes at. Probably shies away from attention in real life, so this is his chance to get noticed, even if for not great reasons.
On 2 Sep 2022 at 8:02pm Nevillman wrote:
Think you're off the mark with that green. I know who it is but haven't seen for a few years and he is actually a nice guy. I never talked politics with him but I had no reason to suppose he had any of the strange views he now has and as Tom pain he can say what he likes.
I think his issue is that he admires Tom Paine who held forthright views and didn't mind what people thought of him. Whether the views of the the toms coincide I don't know and doubt it was I know he didn't think much of rights of man.
My only issue with Tom has been his lack of forum etiquette in changing the subject.
More power to your typing finger Tom but don't ever expect me to take it easy on you.
On 3 Sep 2022 at 9:02am Tom Pain wrote:
The Nevill Green amateur psychiatry circle will be holding their next meeting when the next Pains begin.
On 7 Sep 2022 at 11:46am Nevillman wrote:
I see that our new prime minister is currently picking the top team of crack politicians to take this country to the new horizons. By chance, none of the politicians who supported sunak are up to the job. This may include our own MP who after years of ignoring her constituents preferences by supporting Johnson, decided she would listen to her constituents and support sunak. Does anyone know if she has been thrown out of the government yet?
She may welcome it if she is so that she can concentrate on working for her constituents and getting her picture taken at as many openings and celebrations as possible. She should be warned that this didn't work for Norman who saw the writing on the wall for the lib Dems and resigned a couple of years before the 2015 election to concentrate on his own seat.
Keep up with the nursing Maria.
On 7 Sep 2022 at 11:15pm Tom Pain wrote:
I think she's in line for the top job if she's as bad as you say. Having helped to bomb a few countries back to the stone age we're now voting ourselves there. Considering the Truss statement about using nukes, maybe she wants to get us there even quicker.
On 8 Sep 2022 at 6:11pm Nevillman wrote:
I haven't said she is bad Tom.
On 8 Sep 2022 at 7:55pm Tom Pain wrote:
Well suggest another adjective and I'll use that.
On 8 Sep 2022 at 9:18pm Green Sleeves wrote:
She's a dimwit and most likely a liability, but probably will be out by 2024.
On 9 Sep 2022 at 10:31am Tom Pain wrote:
Nut job Willfully Ignorant Total Balloon Imbecile Local Loon Conspiracy Theory Trump TRUMP...... I've been studying your magnum opus sleevie and I'm now much nicer and not ranting.
On 9 Sep 2022 at 1:59pm Green Sleeves wrote:
I have really triggered you, haven't I TP? They say about sticks and stones and words, but clearly mine have hurt you, possibly even scarred you for life. It was never intentional or malicious. But if you are going to insult people or make snide remarks, don't expect compliments in return.
On 10 Sep 2022 at 8:23pm Tom Pain wrote:
Ho ho. Trigger away, but please stop foaming at the mouth.
On 11 Sep 2022 at 11:50am Green Sleeves wrote:
The foaming at the mouth is due to having 3 x DNA altering vaccines over the past 12 months. Just a minor side effect, it has nothing to do with my mood. It will however assist with my survival after the imminent nuclear war, as its been secretly developed to protect from radiation. The jokes on you TP, you won't be able to survive in the post apocalyptic world like us vax-drones. Looking forward to getting my first pet cockroach....I'll call him Tom.
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