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On 24 Apr 2015 at 7:33pm EWo wrote:
Do you think if I got pi**ed up and kicked in David Camerons head 18 times I'd get off too? No, I don't think I would either.

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On 24 Apr 2015 at 10:34pm Squaddie wrote:
As the job of the soldiers in the story is to go and kill anyone they're ordered to to without question surely it's important that they should be mindless thugs.
On 25 Apr 2015 at 9:37am trooper wrote:
I read about this incident in my newspaper and like many others was utterly disgusted,both by the attack and the so called punishment. I have served in the Army for three decades and had this occured at any time during my service these people would have gone to prison and then dishonourably discharged, it has to be asked what the judge thought that he was doing with this ridiculous sentance.It is beyond my understanding how senior officers can state that these are good soldiers, I can only assume that the Brigade of Guards must be in a desparate plight for recruits.
These people defile the both the honour and duty of those serving and those past.
@ Squaddie, I presume you are being ironic.
On 25 Apr 2015 at 2:13pm Squaddie wrote:
No Tropper I wasn't. As long as I can remember magistrates Have been letting thugs off lightly because they were either in the army or about to join it. I agree this does not apply to all or even most members of the armed force, but it is a reflection of how our betters see the average squaddie.
On 25 Apr 2015 at 4:01pm trooper wrote:
@Squaddie Thank you for your reply.
I have to reluctantly agree with you ref magistrates who appear to think that the modern Army is the the same as it was in the 18th Century, hang em and flog em, as I am fairly sure you and I know this is not so.
I and you I am sure realise that the knowledge of the Armed Forces of this country are a closed book to the majority of the population, and this type of incident does NOTHING to change this perception.May I respectfully request with whom you served and when ?? My copliments ts to you.

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